Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Here we go.... That's all I could think.  The knock on the motel door shook me up the second the loud noise in dead silence reached me. I knew it was only a matter of time before shit hit the fan; I just didn't expect it to happen this fast.  Here we go, here we go....

Was I possibly jumping to conclusions?  I mean just because someone is knocking at our door, it doesn't instantly mean whoever it is wants to kill us.  Of course, Luke sure didn't have an issue jumping, skipping, and sprinting to that conclusion.  

The second - the flipping second - that the knock on the door echoed throughout the whole room, Luke was in action.  It was like he was already wide awake and ready for absolutely anything.  Which he proved.  From where I was laying in the dark, my eyes now wide, I took in what I could.  My eyes on the door, they instantly darted over to where I heard hard footsteps on the floor.  I sat up, alarmed by everything and I watched Luke's silhouette walk swiftly with purpose to the door.  The outline of his gun, I could see, was already in his hand.

What was he going to do?!  I kept thinking that everything needed to slow down.  We needed to get ready, know what was coming.... I needed to think.  Thing was... Luke already did.  I just hope he was thinking straight and wasn't going to do anything stupid. 

"Luke," I hissed loudly as my eyes stared in panic at his moving form.  "What are you doing?!" I asked with tight lips. He wasn't the type to do something dumb. He was very level headed when it came to strategy.  He was different now though and I wasn't 100% positive of what to expect from him.  

He didn't swing open the door and start shooting.  Which meant he wasn't psycho.  But it didn't help much with how tense he looked the moment Jackson flicked on a dim lamp next to the couch.  My eyes darted to the now awake Jackson who was standing at the foot of my bed, facing Luke's back with lowered eyebrows - of annoyance and worry.  Me sitting up in bed, still slightly under my covers, my gaze found him again.  He stopped at the door and carefully looked through the little peephole.  At this point, I was on my feet, panicked too as I neared Luke a second later. 

Staring up at him in the dimly lit room, I could see his head slightly tilted and focusing one of his wide eyes through the little peephole.  His bed hair muffled in the back, I saw some of his strands curled forward and over his eyes as I moved closer. I felt his hand that wasn't gripping his gun instinctively grip my arm.  It was like he was ready for war at any second.  

Before he could do any more, I felt Jackson roughly grab both mine and Luke's shoulders and move us away from the door.  And as swiftly as he did, Jackson stepped forward and looked through the peephole. An audible sigh from him reached the dense air.   

I could see just by staring at Jackson's back how he was feeling.  His brown hair, was just slightly messy, and I noted how relaxed his body was.  He wasn't worried in the least. 

"You pussies," I heard him mutter just before snorting lightly.  In the next moment, Jackson made my heart jump as he opened the door. I could barely see the man he was facing; Jackson was blocking him. I just know that my nerves after that started to calm a bit seeing he wasn't freaking out.  Jackson crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame, allowing me to see who he was facing.  The man looked slightly familiar.  It was the front desk clerk of this crummy place. "Can I help you?"

"Yes," the man said.  More like girl with how light his voice sounded in response to Jackson. From what I could see, he just looked like a young kid working. "I thought I should inform you folks of something."

"Like what?" Jackson put curtly. 

"There are a group of men downstairs.  They asked for someone like 'Prenta' they assumed was staying here or whatever," he shook his head, slightly confused by that.  "We don't have anyone checked in under that name so I don't know what their problem is.  I stated I wasn't authorized to say either way. Then they started to hang around your truck outside.  I just thought I should inform you."

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