Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

From the time I left my old life and entered this one... I always had my guard up.  Always so scared and paranoid I would be found.  The first two years were more about trying to adjust more than watching my back.  But after Luke came back... that guard that I always had around me in the back of my head was as strong as it was before I left Albany behind.  I was so on edge with Luke around those few days, I would have thought I would be prepared for this.  At least not be shocked.  But... how was I suppose to realize this would happen like this and tonight?

Jack dead and laying on my bed was one thing stunning my mind to pieces.  But that was completely wiped away from my head at the feeling of such a force behind me.  I was stunned for a whole new reason - one that I didn't respond to well.  I didn't think fast enough and was just... shocked.  And with enough reason I think too.

I mean... what the hell?  That was the first question, followed immediately by 'who' next.  Who?  Who the fuck was in my house? Who and why and will I be safe?  Jack was dead so that was quite obvious.  Of course, I was just stuck.... What was going on?  All just short little thoughts circulating in my head as I stumbled harshly forward. And in that action, I knew it was nobody that stopped by for a friendly chat.  It was a rough shove from behind me.  I tripped over to my feet, trying to stay balanced, and having to catch myself against the bedside table quick enough before I could fall - which is what I did before I would have fallen onto the floor.  My palm digging into the edge of the table, I didn't waste time.  When I had enough stability, I turned around and faced whoever this was instantly, the back of my legs and ass against my bed.  I couldn't get any further away. 

He was well over six feet tall.  With wide shoulders and enough muscle to take any decent fighter down.  Strong and capable of hurting someone with a pinch.  Looking to be in his mid 40s, with short brown hair framing his pale square face... I noticed something very unsettling.  His eyes... a shade of blue that was hyper.  All over me and alive with excitement.  His lips were flat but his expression looked so fascinated.  And unfortunately enough, looked menacing and dangerous all at the same time as well.  He was supporting a plain yellow tee shirt that was tucked into his jeans.  But I could see all over him what he was doing here - and literally.

My heart was beating fast.  If not first for seeing my precious and innocent dog lying dead on my bed then because of him.  Now... the sensation of that heart beating rapidly in me changed.  Twisted and hurt at the sight I couldn't miss taking him in. With the yellow shirt he had on, it was contrasting with a bright and fresh red.  A red that was somewhat splattered slightly; a big spot of it was on the side of his stomach too.  I knew it was Jack's blood.  I can imagine my little buddy putting up a fight and that's no doubt why there was so much blood on my bed and now on this man's shirt.  Who was the one that obviously killed my dog.  And now... who the fuck knows what he is going to want to do with me.  I couldn't let him tear me up like he did to my little pup.

"Who the fuck are you?" The look in his eyes.... As I stood there, there was no way I could have wondered any more what this was.  It wasn't some random guy robbing me and killing my dog.  I knew well enough that he was here for me; he was here because of Reid.  He was here to take or kill me.  I had to defend myself somehow and get out.  And as I stared into his eyes from across the room, stunned, I was happy I wasn't that shook up to forget about my gun in my bedside table drawer. It was that or fail at trying to run through the door he was blocking.

I was glad I asked him a question.  Talking could always give someone time.  Even as I was so close to the drawer I needed to open... I needed to be on time.  I had to open it, grab the gun, and aim it.  Not much but enough to where I might be too late with him watching every move I made like a hawk.  Even as I inched sideways towards my table....

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