Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The scenery of Mississippi was different from the other states we crossed through today.  In fact, at the moment, it looked as if we were driving through Trashville.  There was unkempt nature all around us, but with it came junk every few yards I drove. Sights of rusty cars and car parts, machinery, tools and more were constant in the overgrown lawns. The dumpy houses that accompanied the long grass and junk didn't look much better.  Many looked vacant and falling apart.  The low sun and deep pink skies only enhanced the eerie feeling I was receiving while driving.  What better place than this though was there to dump Vic? 

Who knows, Vic might like this area as his resting place.  I mean, his body would fit well with the junk around here.  It was also a place I could picture my oh so loving mother living.  God rest her soul but I'm sure her buddy Satan already took care of her. 

Glancing to the digital clock, we had a half hour to go until we needed to do the deed. It made questioning Jackson even better.  It was a nice distraction from what we were about to do when 9:30p.m hits.

"I want to know something.  Did you ever imagine any of this happening when you started working for the FBI?" I asked when I glanced to Jackson.  He was sitting in the passenger seat, looking like his fun-filled self.  His blank eyes decided they weren't worthy to look at me when he answered, gaze aimed through his open window. 

"No.  Then again, I learned that I shouldn't be surprised by anything that happens," he said.  I nodded.  Knowing he had other jobs before me to watch after people, I could understand where he was coming from.   

Though I found what he said to be interesting, there was another reason I was questioning him other than curiosity and as a distraction.  Considering I was mostly alone with Jackson (excluding Vic bound in the back who was sleeping anyway), I took advantage of Luke's suggestion to get more information out of him.  We sure had enough time thanks to the plan we came up with last night.  

What was that plan, you nosy cocksuckers ask?  Well, late yesterday when we stopped for the night after my little freak-out, we came up with a new course of action.  It was based on what Carter told us at the gas station.  It started when we woke up this morning and began driving.  This time though... we didn't head west towards Washington like we originally had planned.

The moment we entered Missouri during our first hour on the road, we instantly started going south for the rest of the day.  We created this detour for a few reasons.  One was to hopefully deter the men after us and lose them.  The second reason was to confuse them.  We planned on killing and dumping Vic in Mississippi.  That way, once the men after us find his body (if they don't already see our interesting new route) they will have evidence that we are south.  Once we dump Vic, we also dump this SUV in a different location.  It was a good way to change vehicles considering we did it that way before and managed to get ahead a few days.  The only difference this time was how we were getting the new vehicle.

Jackson did the driving most of the day through Missouri and Arkansas with all of us crammed in the SUV.  Then, just an hour ago when we entered Mississippi, we stopped at a place we knew would be coming up thanks to careful planning: a campground.  It was a good place to steal a car if you think about it.  There were limited cameras and a lot of vehicles to potentially steal.  This time though, we did something we never did before: we split up.  We left Luke and Carter on the road that the campground entrance was on.  The campground was surrounded in a thin strip of trees, which they walked through to get to the rows of campers and vehicles. 

Leaving them there to do their part, I then took over driving.  Jackson directed me down deeper backroads with a confused Vic tied up in the back until he fell asleep.  Luke and Carter knew the route we were taking so they could catch up to us.  The plan was that after we kill Vic and leave him somewhere, we drive ahead to Chast Road, which I highlighted on the map.  We were going to pull over just before a corner on that road, which was maybe just an hour more of driving.  Luke and Carter were going to meet us there with the new vehicle they steal, help us ditch the SUV, and we would then quickly head back towards Washington. 

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