Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

"Ready?" he asked.

I ran all the instructions through my head again. "I think so."

From where he stood a few feet away, Luke raised the handgun from his side. Pointing it at me with serious and observational eyes. A seriousness I had to force onto myself when we started this lesson.

We were clad in comfortable workout clothes and tennis shoes. Luke and I pushed the living room furniture outwards to create a larger space for us to practice with. We didn't need the space yet, but we would once he shows me a few fighting techniques. For now, the moment was reserved for learning how to disarm a gunman. It was a definite skill I should know since we didn't know what might happen in the future. Or when we finally search the land in a few days.

Yes. Even during the honeymoon, we needed to get our hands dirty. To be fair, we should have done it sooner. Carter being gone, we were scared and paranoid. Who knows how we will be able to find the headquarters. Point is, we needed to try and get as close as we could. So, we were preparing for our first search. After all, you know our luck. Facing worst case scenarios was important.

First, I must assess the distance away from the gunman. See if disarming is possible.

Luke explained there were two choices if I didn't want to surrender. The first choice was easier – but possibly riskier. Which was running and moving erratically to dodge any bullets they would likely shoot at you. What Luke was teaching me was the technique you use if you want to disarm the person instead of run. To disarm, you needed to be close enough. Considering this was the lesson, Luke was close enough. He was holding the gun two feet away from me and in range.

The next steps needed to happen extremely fast if I wanted to avoid getting shot. Helping my chances, distraction was the first step. After all, the gunman is on edge and ready for anything. A simple question could take his focus off track.

Hands held up and in a vulnerable position, I caught Luke's green gaze. "Sir, did you know your zipper is down?" I asked, looking down from his eyes to his crotch. Then, I went for it.

Step two: I leaned to the side and cleared the barrel's range. However, just as I proceeded into the next step and grabbed the gun, Luke turned the barrel towards me before I could stop him. The clicking of the trigger he caused me to stop and let go. "That's no fair, I didn't have a chance to slap your arm away," I laughed.

Lowering the gun he 'killed' me with, he raised an amused brow. "You weren't fast enough."

"That was plenty fast," I said, crossing my arms.

"Not fast enough to stop a police officer. Or someone nearly as skilled with a gun," he said. "Sorry, I'm not going to go easy on you."

"I guess freaking so," I mumbled, moving back to my position.

He came to stand before me again. Mr. Professional was back and ready too, standing before me. I think he just liked showing me he knew more than me about this shit. Not like I can complain. He's hot when he is in cop mode.

With the hand not holding the gun, he rubbed the back of his neck. "Don't forget to keep your hand firm when you grab the muzzle of the gun. Hold it in place, slap their arm before they can reposition the gun back to you."

"Aye, aye, captain," I said, taking a deep breath. The steps were no problem. It was quite easy. The issue was speed. I am a swift ninja, but apparently, I needed to be even faster. Also, as he pointed out, I needed to work on my grip – with the gun, that is; he obviously had no reason to complain about my grip when it came to anything else.

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