Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

Phone calls were made. It offered validation that struck us into silence. Acid stirred in my stomach. Instead of vomit, chest-quenching tremors rattled my veins. It took my arms restricting my stomach to not shake. From where I was perched on the end of the couch, holding onto myself and just barely keeping it together, my wet eyes bore into the blue carpet.

Luke was just as tense next to me. After he shakily dropped the phone, he dropped his head into his hands. Besides his quivering arms and panicky breath, he remained unmoving. Like all of us. We couldn't move. We were frozen in fear, horror, and devastation. Jesus Christ, especially after those phone calls.

The first was made to Francis. Jackson called him. Without sharing any details, he gave the address of Agent Tate's apartment to Francis and told him to get here. Afterwards, Luke made one of the most terrifying calls of his life. Needing to know our reality with 100% certainty, Luke made a phone call home to his parents. And let me tell you... it was one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever heard and witnessed.

After dialing and putting it on speaker, we all hung onto each second. Waiting in fear and anxiousness, we all stared at the phone in his tight hand.  Finally, Jan answered the phone. We had a sliver of hope to hear her dismiss anything about Brooke being gone. She crushed it the second her broken voice answered.

His eyes widened. "Mom?"

"Lucas! Lucas, are you alright? Where is your brother?" Jan's sweet voice cried hysterically. "Please, please, where is he? Did he take Brooke out of school? Did he pick her up? S-She never made it home from school; we've talked to everyone. The school, the bus driver, her teachers, nobody...." She trailed off, voice going higher before erupting in static sobs over the speaker.

Both of Luke's hands cupped the phone, as if it would help. Face contorting in pain, eyes closing, he sucked in an uneven breath through his nose. "Ma, it's going to be okay," he said in as strong of a voice he could muster. It didn't match his sickening composure.

He forced himself to sound as controlled as he could for the rest of the call. It was nearly impossible for him to accomplish. He visibly shook, swallowed back a cry, and heaved in panic. Explaining the situation to his mother was almost unbearable for both of us. Jan erupted, sobbing, and it made Luke cup his mouth to hold back from joining his mom. During that moment, my hands dug into my sides from where my arms were wrapped around me. Nobody deserved pain of this magnitude. But to hear it leave this sweet woman's mouth... I would not have it. I would not allow this. Whether Luke meant it when he confidently reassured Jan that her granddaughter would be fine, it didn't matter. Because I would make it happen. I would get Brooke back. It was worth giving in, giving up, giving myself over.

After Luke ended the call and tried recovering, the pain plaguing me twisted. Jan begged Luke to have Francis call home whenever he could. I couldn't imagine another phone call to Jan without me crumbling. Then again, I'm sure revealing what happened to Francis would be more of a hell than I could handle.

Just thinking about the door knocking made my torso want to cave. Any moment, it would, signaling Francis's arrival. I didn't want him to hear the truth. I didn't want him to know! Nobody deserved to hear their child was taken.

Yet, when the dreaded knock on the door came, it had to happen. My muscles compressed together. I tightened my arms around my stomach. I didn't know if I could handle this.

From where Jackson numbly stood this whole time, he sighed and closed his hurt eyes. None of us moved, not wanting to get the door. None of us were ready to watch Francis's world fall apart. By the time another knock reached the air though, Jackson opened his eyes and walked down the narrow entryway to the door.

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