Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

Was I stupid to think I would get away with this? Probably.

Sneaking out would be challenging enough. On top of that, I'd be gone for a couple hours. That's a long time. It was very possible Luke could wake up and see I'm gone. It would suck ass, but it was a possibility. So, in case that happens, I will need a damn good excuse of why I left. Don't worry though guys, I got it covered.

Before everyone went to sleep, I dropped the seeds of a few potential excuses. I announced I was restless, had a headache, and craved fast food. Rough night, I know. But each one of my 'issues' could be resolved if I went somewhere. You'd buy it if I said I needed to go to the pharmacy for some headache relief, right?

Well, as I soon realized, one of my lies from earlier would have to do.

By the time I maneuvered myself out of bed and grabbed my things, I thought I was fine. Luke was consumed in a deep sleep. He didn't even flinch when I opened the door and stepped out. Cold air brushed my back as I eased the motel door shut with a slow click.

"What's going on?"

Spinning around, I froze. Francis was sitting on the cement, his back propped against the skinny bars of the railing. Of course, I would get caught. I mean, my name is Albany, is it not? That fearful moment of realizing I was caught though faded as I took Francis in. The motel lighting illuminated his face from the shadows. Face tilted up in my direction, his eyes were strained and red. Exhaust drowned everything else from his face including emotion, leaving him blank. Completely blank.

He was hurt. He obviously couldn't sleep. It wasn't like any of this became easier for him to deal with. Though my stomach turned at thinking I was caught, it echoed an ache over seeing him in such distress. "I'm... going to the store. Need something to kill this damn headache. Are you okay?"

"No." His eyes fell to his legs. One was stretched out on the cement, the other bent and being used as an arm rest. "Anyway," he sighed. "I just wanted some air. I was tempted to go get some liquor."

Jesus. I just wanted to be on my way and get this done, but I couldn't just leave Francis here like this. Hopeless and broken. And it was worse than his usual 'hopeless and broken' attitude we all witnessed during the day. This was far worse. I didn't realize he kept the extent of his pain hidden – or that he was even able to. I've never seen him look this starved of hope. The guy looked ready to die.

But... maybe I could help. Maybe running into him was meant to be. Though it had been nearly impossible to help him feel better this whole time, my purpose for leaving tonight might be my only chance to restore some of his faith.

"I want to ask you something," I said. "What do you think of Luke and Jackson's plan? To execute Reid and his men during the exchange?"

My words triggered him to close his eyes and slowly shake his head. "I don't know," he whispered. "I trust my brother, but when you want to fuck over a cult mastermind... I... I just don't fucking know."

"Get up, you're coming with me," I sighed, digging my hands into the jacket and grasping the truck keys. Francis and I were on the same page. I had figured as much, but now, he validated it. Despite his brother's plan, he was scared shitless for his daughter's life. He would side with my plan over theirs. I guess it was a good thing I ran into him over anyone else.


"Because you're going to want to hear what I'm hoping to accomplish."

Extending my hand, I helped the confused man to his feet. Pulling out my phone, pulling up the directions Weston sent me, we headed down to the parking lot. My meeting with the FBI got a little more interesting. I guess both me and Francis have a headache now.

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