Chapter 78

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Chapter 78

Up until this point, I've fought, I've ran, I've bled. No matter what, I didn't stop. I did everything I could to stay alive. I lived through everything this asshole and his stupid cult threw my way.

Now, here I was. Walking towards the enemy. Shame dominated most of my head space. Though we were saving Brooke, the psycho won. He had me. But do you think I was going to show him my overwhelming shame? After all he's caused? After the pleasure I could see he was getting out of this already? Hell no. With the cool air brushing my face as we neared them, I just stared at Reid. I didn't falter and didn't flinch. Even though I could see him better with each step, I didn't give him the satisfaction. It was clear he already had enough satisfaction.

When there were only a couple feet separating us from them, we stopped. My ass was on red alert; I was ready for a bullet to pierce my skull. I was ready for something to kill me, but I didn't show it. My composure was tense, but stone and strong. Being strong dominated my fear and I couldn't look away from Reid. I wouldn't dare show weakness. Not when his smug brown eyes took me in.

The man who looked to be in his mid to late 40s stood tall with pride. Reid looked as I remembered and how I've seen in pictures. His brown hair was trimmed nicely with no sign of facial hair. He wore a black striped button-up shirt with khakis and dress shoes despite the wet ground. Yes, nice and presentable... like he was ready for some stupid fancy dinner party. How pathetic that tried looking nice for me. However, he did seem like the type who would look nice regardless of what was happening.

Hands folded behind his straight back, he took me in with silence and a subtle smile against his lips. Observing me with proud appreciation. It was unnerving, his ease and almost admirable presence. But behind those eyes was a monster and I could see it shine for me.

For that moment, it was just Reid and me. There was nobody or nothing besides us and the chilly breeze brushing against my ears and my controlled face. This man... he was the source. This one person. Was I really standing before him now? Chills ran over my arms. Just imagine... all the trouble he caused me, us, so many people. If only he wasn't born – or his mother knew ahead of time and decided against him.

"Daddy," came a helpless little voice.

From the corner of my vision, Brooke stayed slumped on the ground thanks to the tightened leash. Francis wasn't constricted like her, but he knew he couldn't scoop up his little girl yet. A moan of distress reached the air from the back of Francis's throat, but he tensed up and knew he needed to hang in there. And it was all because of this man, Reid Taylor.

Damn, I just couldn't get over this. This tension, pain, distress... was because of this asshole. Powerful gaze still in mine, he finally spoke after relishing this moment as much as possible. "It's a pleasure to see you again after these years. This time by choice."

This man could easily have us all killed right now. I was half expecting it. After all, Reid did send his men to kill me once bringing me back alive proved too difficult. Yet, I couldn't help myself. "You know damn well there was no choice in this," I mumbled, disgust crawling to the surface. "You took the cheap route," I said, referencing how he dragged Brooke into this.

He smiled, and finally, broke eye contact when he glanced down to Brooke. "It was the logical route."

Free of his eyes, I fully looked to Brooke as well. My heart lurched. Up close like this... the details of her face stung. Slumped on her knees against the grass, her hair was messily scattered. Pieces of blonde draped around her face as well. Her cheeks were flushed red – no doubt from the biting air and her emotional state. She stared up at Francis with begging blue eyes and quivering lips. If that wasn't enough to beat the shit out of your heart, the collar and leash did. One of Reid's men (let's call him Dick Face) stood close behind her, holding her leash with no slack.

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