Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

A day passed before we managed to calm down.  It shook us up, made me extremely paranoid.  The only worries I could comprehend had to do with how this could bite us in the ass.  It might not seem like a big deal since we are so close to Washington, but it was.  We have stolen multiple cars, dumped a body, and buried a dozen more.  Any evidence of that could be found by anyone.  There would be no lives to go back to if our names get plastered across the news.

Luckily by the time we reached the middle of Idaho, we calmed down over the matter.  We convinced ourselves that we were okay – which I didn't think would be possible.  However, the more we talked and thought through it, we realized we were probably fine.  Everything Jan told us was basically old news. So if them not having our backs didn't catch up to us yet, we agreed it probably wouldn't at all. 

But guys, if we only knew....  If we only knew what was to come, then there would be no such thing as calming down.

At the moment though, we didn't know what was to come.  We managed to get over this dilemma and stop worrying.  Which left me feeling like shit once again over Luke.  Even jumbo marshmallows couldn't help. 

It was hard thinking about him.  About the pain he was feeling over everything.  It illuminated from the guy, making my stomach twist in guilt.  Guilt from knowing I could make things better. I could dissolve a fraction of the weight from his shoulders because it would take no effort to rekindle our relationship.  

I longed for him more with each minute, hour, and day that passed.  Call me a girl, but it was true.  As time passed, it was time I spent realizing we both still loved each other.  It was time I spent wanting to convince myself that we wouldn't be happy without each other.  What made it worse... was the pain he was also going through over his family.  Watching him get swallowed in guilt over not telling his family anything, over the worry they had, it was eating at him.  It was eating at me to see him suffering.  I wanted him more, he wanted me... and if I give in, it could help him. 

Those same thoughts echoed through me when another source of stress and pain came into Luke's existence.  He mentioned he needed to make another phone call back to Ohio.  This time, to the police station.    

Luke's hope was to somehow receive more time off. 'Good luck with that' was unfortunately my first thought.  The man already took several weeks off.  Weeks that were almost up, and weeks that most likely exceeded the days he was allowed.  Now, to then summon the balls to request more time off, and with no clue of when he would return... he could end up getting fired.  In fact, Luke was almost positive that would be the case.

"I know the policy and guidelines inside and out.  They won't allow it," he said, standing at the end of the picnic table where the rest of us were sitting. 

When we stopped to pick up a few pizzas, there was a park not far down the street.  It was a better dining room than a crammed car or hotel.   After we sat down, Luke was too preoccupied to eat.  He finally fessed up that he would need to make that call.

"When are you scheduled to go back?" Jackson asked from beside me, finishing his slice. 

"A few days."

Fear radiated from his green gaze.  I knew how much he cared about his work.  He dedicated everything to being a police officer and his loyalty ran deep.  It was sickening knowing this was my fault.

"I'll be back in a bit," he murmured, deciding to get it over with now. 

"Hurry up," Jackson said.  "I've got news when you're done."  I had no clue what he was talking about, but I didn't care at the moment.

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