Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

My heart flipped, flopped, and spun in circles. Immediately, my hand flew up and rested against my chest, as if to contain it. Rapid beats drummed against my palm. Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy shit! Staring down into Luke's desperate eyes, my breath became audible through my lips. Was this real? Was this true? Was I fucking dreaming?! I doubted it. My imagination couldn't create something this beautiful and vivid. No, somehow, this was real! This man... he wanted to marry me. He said those words. He asked me that incredible and life changing question.

Seeing the love, letting his question infect my mind, tears immediately reached my sight. Blinking, not allowing the sight of him to blur, my throat grew thick. Was he doing this because he knew this could be it for us? Was he doing this because it was the right time? Those questions did race through my head, but so did plenty of other things. Other thoughts that destroyed those questions. Not an ounce of doubt reached me, only absolute shock and pleasure. Pleasure and happiness I've never felt on this level before. My breath turned louder and uneven. Staring down into his eyes, completely overwhelmed, more tears reached my eyes.

As for Luke, his pale expression turned desperate. His eyes grew, his lips working hard like mine to catch his breath. Horror crossed him. With each passing second, the light in his face fell. Blinking, swallowing, his hand lowered. The man was taking my tears in the wrong way. He spoke in a dry voice. "I-I'm so sorry if you aren't ready, I didn't mean to upset you. I was so scared, and I knew this..." he swallowed and looked down in pain.

The horror on his face hit me and how my stupid ass was taking too long. I was just so blown away and shocked. Shaking my head fast, I dropped to my knees in front of him. Grasping the sides of his head, I pressed against him and kissed him. "Yes, yes, yes, I'll marry you!" I whimpered against his lips, leaning back and taking in his face with wide eyes. "I'll marry you, I'll marry you, Luke!" I cried with a big smile.

His lungs unnaturally filtered in a hard breath, brows raising in realization of what I just said. Fear in his green gaze leaving, what took its place was overwhelming relief that made my insides twirl. The moonlight showed increasing emotion in his eyes, emotions mirroring mine. He exclaimed with a loud breath, a white grin finding a home on his lips.

Dazed, he glanced to the ring he was holding between us. With his free hand, he grasped my wrist so he could slide the ring on. Because his hands were shaking though, he was unsuccessful. I chuckled and grasped his wrist, stilling his hand for him. He managed slipping the gorgeous diamond ring onto my finger. And let me tell you, it sent warm chills up my arms.

Dear god, it was beautiful! Kneeling in front of him, staring down at the ring, tears spilled over. The band was made up of tiny diamonds, leading to the large gem. The big diamond was cut into a perfect circle stone, bordered by smaller diamonds. It was... breathtaking. Thanks to my tears, it made the facets shine even more. However, it wasn't just the beautiful ring that set me off. It was the sight of Luke's warm and strong hand grasping my newly ringed hand.

It activated the floodgates of my happiness to open. Smiling up to him, taking in his sweet and loving eyes, my tears spilled over. For the years leading up to meeting Luke... I was miserable with no reason to consider finding happiness or love. Nobody bothered. When he entered my life... he changed everything. Everything.

After we met, he did everything in his power to give me a better life. He fought for me, went through hell with me, risked his life, and was there for me. Taught me about life while becoming the light in mine. He was my happiness. The guy even endured three years without me and... kept this ring this whole time! Christ, he kept it this whole time! He was that dedicated, loyal, he loved me that much. And honestly, I was just lucky. Who else would risk their life countless times? Who else would be this sweet to me when I didn't deserve it? He did everything in his power to always be there. Make me smile and happy. Make me laugh and support me. He was my world, my everything, and would do everything. I mean... today alone.... If heaven existed, he gave me a piece of it today.

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