Chapter 28

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Ellie's POV~~

Anna started playing the video in the laptop.

I see Susan barging inside the bathroom, banging the door loudly and soon Lucas followed her inside clicking the door locked.

"You have to tell me what happened that night with Harry, Susan!?" Lucas shouted at her.

Looks like, they were in an argument since before they came inside that bathroom.

"Why do you want to know this so bad, Lucas?" She whined in her screechy voice.

"That means something did happen right? Harry didn't cheated on Ellie?" Lucas questioned.

"Where did you got that idea?" Susan fake gasped, damn, I know I shouldn't speak ill about the dead but she wasn't a great actor.

"I know Harry, Susan. He loves Ellie too much, he could never do that to her!" Lucas exclaimed in the video, my eyes went to Harry to see him looking back at me, I immediately turned my eyes back to the screen.

"How do you know that!?" Susan shrieked.

"I've seen it. They both have so much love in their eyes."

Susan huffed but didn't say anything for a while but then caved in.

"You're right" She sighed "But promise me, you won't tell anyone. I'm trusting you with this"

Lucas looked a little hesitant but nodded his head anyway after a minute.

"That night, Harry was drunk like too much drunk. I saw an opportunity when I found him in a room when Ellie was nowhere around him. He was heavily intoxicated so he didn't said anything when I started taking his clothes off" I see Lucas cringe in disgust but Susan didn't seem to notice that and continued "I didn't took any advantage of him though, I only got naked myself and got in bed beside him and when Ellie found him the next morning, everything happened just how I planned."

She gave an evil laugh after that.

My eyes widened in shock after listening to her confession. Harry never cheated on me?

That means, two year!? Two years gone to waste just because of a misunderstanding? What had I done?

I couldn't meet Harry's eyes as I continued looking at the screen where the video was still playing.

"You truly disgust me!" Lucas shouted at her "How can you do that to someone!?"

"That bitch stole Harry from ME! I am obliged to get my revenge" She shriekied back with a malicious grin and insanity in her eyes.

Lucas stood there in shock for a few seconds then shook his head and walked out of the door.

We see Susan running behind Lucas but her 9 inch heels slips on the floor and her ankle twists in a weird manner and she falls on the floor where her head smacks on the cupboard and a rush of blood starts coming out, her eyes starts closing.

My eyes closed on their own accord after that video ends, that scene didn't fit well with whatever I ate earlier.

I feel two arms wrap around me as he kepps murmuring it's okay, it's going to be okay in my ear, a few tears slips down my cheek as I start sobbing.

He kisses me on the crown of my head and kept me still in his arms, tightened around me.

I pulled back a little to look up into his eyes as I whispered "I am sorry. I am so sorry."

He shake his head and kissed me on the forehead "You don't have anything to be sorry about, E, if I would've been you, I would've concluded the same thing and done the same thing" He said and then joked to lighten the air "Not before killing the guy though."

I chuckled at him as a small smile graced my face. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and smiled down at me "Keep smiling like that. I never want to see you cry."

I nodded my head as his lips then descended down on my own as he softly kissed but still showed his passion and love to me, through that kiss.

"I love you" I whispered when our lips part and his forehead touching mine.

His green eyes twinkled in happiness as he whispered back "And I love you."

A sound of awww made us both look at the audience around us. They were looking happily at us with a grin.

Harry wrapped his hand around me as I said my best friends "Thank you guys, it would've been impossible without you all" I then turned towards Lucas who was watching me all this time with a small smile on his face "Especially you."

He nodded his head at me with that smile still on his face.

I looked at Harry to see him already looking down at me as he then nodded his head noticing my expression. I gave him a grateful smile back as I opened my arms for my best friends.

They both ran to me making me stumble a little and making me chuckle at their enthusiasm.

After getting them off of me, I then walked up to my other best friend, Lucas. As I enveloped him in a tight hug.

He hugged me back as I whispered "Thank you, Lucas, for everything."

I could tell he was smiling as his arms tightened around me more.

"How did you recorded everything though?" Harry asked breaking the silence that hanged over us.

"I put the camera there" Lucas shrugged.

I was now back in Harry's arms.

"What are you going do to do with that video?" I asked him.

He smiled mischieviously at us as he said "I will give it to the police, anonymously."

He made it all sound so simple. I shake my head at him with smile of my own.

"I am still going to be the godmother of your children, right?" Anna asks.

How the fuck does that has to do with anything, I wanted to ask but then looked around at the people that I love,  laughing together so I didn't dare to interrupt.

Check out @Ptrcym she made the cover of this book. Thank you, hun. <3

Couldn't stay away//H.S ✔Where stories live. Discover now