Chapter 27

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Ellie's POV~~

A day after that night, we got a call from Lucas.

Yes, we found him. He was at home before everything that happened that night.

Anna scolded him, as he didn't told anyone that he was going back home and because we were all worried sick about him.

He apologised to all of us and said he would never do that again.

"Hey! Lucas" I greeted him after picking up the phone.

"Hello, El. I need to speak to you. It's important"

He sounded serious that I immediately became worried.

"What's wrong, buddy? Why do you sound so worried?"

Harry turned towards me after listening my worried voice.

I was still living with Harry. Surprisingly, my mother was okay with it.

At first, I tried to lie to her to tell her that I was living at Anna's house but she caught my lie and said that she knows I am at Harry's house.

When asked how did she knew, she said she read it in one of those news websites about celebrities.

Damn, those paparazzis! I can't even lie to my mom now without being caught now.

"You have to come to my house. It's urgent and also, bring Harry with you" He hurriedly said and then cut the phone.

I looked at Harry with a confused frown as he asked me what happened.

"It was Lucas. He asked us to come to his house, he says it's urgent and to bring you with me" I replied.

He looked at me with confusion but I shrugged my shoulders as I didn't know myself why he sounded so serious.

"I think we should go. It must be something important" I said, looking over at Harry as he was staring into space.

"Yeah, we should" He mumbled and stood up asking me to get ready.


We both made our way to Lucas and Anna's house after getting out of Harry's car.

My arm was around his arm as we rang the bell of their house.

The house wasn't as big as Harry neither was it as small as mine. Lucas and Anna's parents were both doctors so they were paid enough to buy this house.

I also noticed Belle's car outside in the parking, she must be here too then.

The door was then opened by Anna as she ushered me and Harry in, taking our coats from us and hanging it on the cloth hook beside the door.

"It's so cold outside" I commented, rubbing my cold hands together.

Anna hmm'ed but didn't say anything. That was odd, I noticed with furrowed brows.

"Everybody is in the living room. Come on" She said, looking at everywhere else but not at me.

Why is she behaving so strange?

We followed her to see Lucas and Belle sitting on their place, on the couch, with grim expression on their faces.

"What's up guys?" I asked, looking at them weirdly.

I look at Harry, beside me, who has been silent since we came here to see him looking at everyone with the same confused expression as mine.

I see a laptop placed on the table that is in front of the couch.

That didn't used to be there.

They all share a look, then Lucas asks us to sit with a smile, that I could tell was fake, on his face.

"Okay! You guys are really creeping us out. What's going on?" Harry finally breaks the silence.

"Don't freak out okay? But we have proof that nobody killed Susan but it was an accident" Belle throws it out.

"What!?" I shrieked but then lower my voice and ask "How do you guys have that?"

"You remember, how I was Susan's boyfriend before she died?" Lucas asks.

"Duh" Harry mutters but loud enough that I could hear and it seems like, Lucas did too as he gives him a glare while Harry ignores him.

"Well, I became her boyfriend because of the things that she was doing to you guys. You are one of my best friend, El and I knew I couldn't see you like that."

When Lucas said that my confusion only increased as my eyebrows furrowed while looking at him.

He became her boyfriend because of me? Because of us? That's news.

"What bullshit are you talking about, dude? Come straight to the point" Harry intervenes but Lucas doesn't say anything.

Belle and Anna nods towards Lucas who also looks at them and starts talking.

"When you told me what Susan did, when you caught them hugging each other, I confronted Harry and he told me that it was all Susan's plan and after listening and seeing how you felt after that night, before Harry left the town, I was angry at her" He continued " So I confronted her, she told me that she won't come in between you both only if I become her boyfriend. So I did, even though I hated her guts, I did it. But after a few days she asked me to not hang out with you guys, I was outraged but I did it anyway because I made a plan" He said.

"What was it? Your plan, I mean?" I whispered, already knowing it was something big as my stomach clenched in anticipation.

"I planned that, in prom night, I will confront her about what really happened that night at that party, before Harry left" He finally told us.

My mouth gaped in shock, I don't know what I was expecting, but I know I wasn't expecting that.

But didn't that night, Harry cheated on me with Susan?

Just when I was about to ask him that, he intervened "Before you say anything. I know you think, Harry cheated on you with her but that's not really what happened. It's not the whole truth. She only made you believe that. Heck! She also made Harry believe that! That's why he left."

I looked at Harry to see him staring off at space, silently. He didn't say anything, nobody said.

Me and Harry were still trying to take everything in as by just looking at Anna and Belle's faces, I could tell they already know everything.

But if they knew so much why didn't they said anything until now.

"El, I was with Susan all this time so she could trust me enough so that she would confess and she did" Lucas said after a few minutes.

My head snapped towards Anna when she said "You both need to see this."


Thank you for reading!!

In the last chapter, I know I said that I am thinking of deleting this book but I've decided I'm not going to delete it because we've reached almost to the end of Couldn't stay away.

Yes, you read it right guys, there are only 2 or 3 chapters left, this beautiful journey is almost over.

Check out @Ptrcym she made the cover of this book. Thank you, hun. <3


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