Chapter 9

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Ellie's POV ~~

I had spent my whole Saturday thinking about that kiss. I tried to do everything I could to keep my mind off that topic but it still went on it. I was so fed up. It was all a mess. A huge mess.

It was Sunday today. Lucas, Anna and Bella agreed to come over to my house. They will be here any moment.

They know what happened at the party on Friday with Harry. They had called me on Saturday morning to know if I was okay and what happened at the party.

After I finished telling them what happened Lucas was very much angry. But soon after calmed down. And Anna and Bella were both squealing and laughing at my misery.
Those Bitches.

I was in my room when the doorbell rang. Going downstairs, I opened the door to find the three idiots. Their hands were filled with packets of Chips, M&M's  and pop tarts.

I opened my door wide to let them in and then closed the door.

"Hey! Ellie what's up?" asked Anna loudly after all us settled ourselves on the couch in the living room.

"Ceiling" I muttered back, sarcastically.

" Okay! What are you thinking, seriously, tell us now!" Bella said with a frown on her face. Her brown hair were in a bun. Her blue ocean like eyes filled with worry.

I huffed and brought my palms on my face and muttered a low 'I don't know'.

"You are worried about the kiss, aren't you?" Lucas said and I immediately pulled my hands out of my face and just sighed.

"Why are you so worried? Come on, tell us? You know, you can always tell us, anything" Anna said worry showing in her dark black eyes.

"You are seriously asking me Why I am so fucking worried about a kiss? I am worried because this was not only a kiss for me" I closed my eyes and sighed, fearing that if I open them they would see my tears.

"That kiss brought back memories that I laid hidden, brought back feelings that I thought were gone" I opened my eyes and looked into their eyes and worried face, a tear slipped down my cheek.

"I realised I am still in love with him and no distance and hurt can erase that. He had hurt me so much but still my heart wants his touch. I still love him and I can't believe that. I mean, how can I still love this guy who has cheated on me! who left me! I deserve better. I deserve so much better than him" I whispered and started sobbing on Lucas chest. I didn't even realised when he had pulled me to his chest.

After I stopped my crying I felt a hand in my hairs. It was Bella. There were some unshed tears in her eyes.

Bella took both of my hands and held them in hers. She squeezed my hands.

"Sweetie, I know you've been through hell when he wasn't here and I know you still love him. But, it's okay.
You will be okay. It's totally upon you if you want to forgive him or not it's your decision. Just know that we will always be here standing right here with you. Always." She said with a small smile.

"And, you deserve the absolute best. And if it is Harry or not, only you can find out." Anna said.

My eyes met with a pair of dark brown ones and they held sadness but he still said "Do what's best for you. It's your life. It's your decision."

I knew my eyes were saying I'm sorry.  My hands found his and I squeezed his hands telling him how sorry I am that I can't reciprocate his feelings.

He squeezed my hands back telling me that it's okay and he want me happy. His eyes saying It will be okay.

After we were done. We watched a movie. And our laughter and our silly jokes were back.

It doesn't matter what happens but what I know is that they will always be there for me, through thick and thin.


My whole weekend went with me watching Netflix and relaxing. But as they say, every good thing comes to an end. And, it was Monday, again. Gosh, I hate Monday's.

After half of my classes were over. It was lunch. I haven't seen Harry since that kiss we shared. He wasn't present in the classes.

I mean it's good for me. I was gonna avoid him anyway.

We were sitting on our table in the canteen. Anna was sitting beside me on the left and Lucas was on my right. And Bella was on Lucas's right side.

We were eating our lunch and just gossiping. Yeah, Lucas also gossips. I mean at least he listens when we gossip.

A hand suddenly snacked our table beside me. I flinched automatically. I looked up to see whose hand was it, to see Susan. She looked angry, her nose was flaring and her cheeks were red with anger. Her eyes held nothing but rage and jealousy.

I don't even know what she is so angry about? I seriously have no single clue. But just because I am a bitch and I like to aggravate her I her asked with a tone of fake concern "Are you Okay, Susan?" with a smirk on my face.

"You Bitch, How dare you kiss Harry? My Harry? Huh?" She said and pointed her perfectly manicured finger on my face.

"I can kiss whoever I want, Susan. You don't get a say in it. And if he is your Harry then tell him to not kiss me." I fired back.

"He doesn't want to kiss you, you whore. You are a whore who throws herself at any guy you see and now you are throwing yourself at My Harry" She screeched.

My jaw ticked and I was angry now. Nobody gets to call me a whore.

"You just crossed a line, Susan, You get out of here or I will smack some sense into you" Anna said.

Now, I noticed all of them were angry and glaring at Susan with so much anger. And every student was now seeing us, fighting in the canteen and a large crowd was forming eager to see what was happening. Some of them were even recording. Pathetic.

I raised up my hand to my friends to as a sign to let them know I will handle her. They don't need to come in between. I like to fight my fights on my own.

"See Susan" I said in a calm voice "I am not a mirror, so you can't call me something that YOU are. I mean, come on, everybody knows who is the real whore, here. And calling Harry yours? When he is clearly not" I gave out a chuckle, just to annoy her and it actually worked "You are so dumb and pathetic"

Susan was full on glaring at me and gritting her teeth she raised her hand to slap me but just as I raised my hand too, to stop her someone's hand had already stopped her.


And the dram has just begun!!!

Btw, Niall Horan's new album Heartbreak Weather is out now! The album is beautiful <3
This is one of my favourite song, that is, up there.

Check out @Ptrcym she made the cover of this book. Thank you, hun. <3

Love you guys.


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