Chapter 10

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A/N - Here they are! I imagine these two as Blake & Matt. But if you don't like them or anything, you're free to imagine them as whoever you want. Though, Blake doesn't have this weird beard that Rowan has, I don't like it, tbh. Lol. So, imagine him without the beard ;)
With the story now!

Ellie's POV~~

I looked up to see that it was Harry who stopped Susan's hand. He looked angry. His jaw was clenched and I could hear him gritting his teeth. His eyes were filled with anger.

"Don't you dare" Harry gritted out, his eyes were glaring at Susan. If only looks could kill.

She snatched her hand away from him and glared back at him.

"Why are you taking her side over me?" Susan yelled to Harry.

"I will take whoever's side I please. And who the fuck you think you are, raising your hand at MY GIRL?" Harry roared.

I was still in shock. I couldn't fathom my thoughts. It took me a few minutes to think clearly.

"You are choosing her again? Even after all those years? I can't believe you, Harry" Susan blew out angrily.

"I will always choose her over you, any day, any time. And, get that through your sick head. If you come between us, again. Then so God help me -" He didn't finish his sentence but everyone could hear the warning inside it.

Susan only glared back at Harry, but with an angry sigh left but not before giving me a glare too.

" You didn't had to do that. I can stand up for my self" I choked out "but thank you anyway. I appreciate it" I let out a small smile, picked up my tray and bag from the table and left the canteen without looking back.

Flashback ~~~

"Susan is looking at you" I whispered to Harry.

We were currently sitting in our Biology's class. The teacher was teaching us. Harry was sitting next to me. I am those kind of girls that always listen to the teacher in the class but I couldn't get off the feeling that someone was glaring at me.

And when I looked up, Susan was staring at the both of us. She was gazing at Harry with admiration but at me, she was more like glaring with anger.

I knew Susan has a thing for Harry. I mean every girl in the school has a thing for him. I don't like it, of course. But I can't stop it, either. I mean he is obviously good to look at. So, I can't really blame the girls. Now, can I?

"She can't believe that I am dating you. She has a thing for me, actually. But I told her that I am dating you and I love you" Harry said making me snap out of my thoughts and let out a smirk but I could see the truth in his eyes.

"She must've been sad, no?" I asked worriedly. I knew Susan was the kind of girl that doesn't do boyfriends. But if she asked out Harry, she must've said the truth. I still felt bad for her. I can't relate in this matter because my first boyfriend is Harry and I've never had those feelings for anyone else besides Harry. But I've seen Bella, when once she asked out a guy she liked, and he rejected her. It hurts real bad, I could tell.

"Eh, she will get over it. She only wants me because she can't have me" Harry said rolling his eyes. "You don't need to worry your pretty little head about it" He said and let out a smirk while ruffling my hair.

"Hey!" I shrieked and slapped his hand away.

We both looked at each other and started laughing out loud. That's when the teacher heard us and threw us out of his class.

Couldn't stay away//H.S ✔Where stories live. Discover now