Chapter 19

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Ellie's POV~~

He left.

He really left. At first, when they told me, that Harry really left, I couldn't believe it but then I remembered there wasn't any of his suitcases in the room, so it only meant, he left.

I was angry, sad but most of all, hurt.

I wanted to explain everything to him. Whatever happened that night with Lucas, all of it. But he never gave me a chance.

A part of me wants to solve everything with him but then, there is a part of me that doesn't get it. Why would he overreact?

We weren't in a relationship, that time. And it isn't like he saved his virginity for me. He gave his virginity to Susan that too, when he was dating me.

Not saying that, I was happy with my decision, not at all. But that doesn't give him any right to judge me.

They told me that when Harry was leaving, Blake saw him. That's why, he left with him.

I talked to Blake about it, he said, Harry was very angry and he wasn't in any state to drive so he left with him.

It's been two weeks since we came back from London. I have started going back to school.

I haven't seen any paparazzi following me or around my house so, that's a good sign.

I haven't seen Harry, as well since we came back. He hasn't been coming to school. I have called him numerous times but he doesn't pick up.

I am worried about him too because nobody has seen him since we came back. Not even Matt and Blake.

He makes me angry but worried about him too.

"Are you okay, El?" Belle asks me with a frown on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, I am good" I say with a half smile.

They know, that I am worried about him as I've asked them, about a thousand times if they've seen him but the answer is always no.

I even think Matt and Blake have started getting frustrated with me because if I ask Anna and Belle, a thousand times, then you don't wanna know how much times I've asked them about Harry.

They never get angry at me, though.

I haven't seen both of them today. Since the past few weeks they always come and have their lunch with us but not today. It looks like, they both didn't came to school today too. 

"Let's get going, the bell rang a few minutes ago" Anna says.

We get up and pick up our bag from the table and our trays. We throw the trays in the trash and start going to our classes.

It was our lunch going on. Only two classes left, Ade. You can do it! I heavily sighed. 

I haven't been getting any motivation since the last two weeks, to come to school, without Harry it's getting so boring. 

I open the door to get in the class, I look at the teacher's table that the teacher is not here yet. 

I walk up to the second last desk just beside the big window and sit there. Nobody was sitting there, I inwardly hoped nobody sits with me because I've been getting cranky. I don't want to lash out on anyone. 

I see students filling in the classroom. I rest my head on the desk and start looking outside the classroom. 

After a few minutes, I hear a chair screech and somebody taking a seat beside me. 

I turn my head and look up to see Harry's left side of the face, his jaw clenched together looking so sharp. 

"Harry" I whispered out, my mouth opening and then closing. I probably looked like a fish. 

Couldn't stay away//H.S ✔Where stories live. Discover now