Chapter 5

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Ellie's POV~~

"Who told you even to sit here? You are not invited, dude" Lucas said in a hard voice to Harry who himself was glaring down at Lucas.

"Elle invited me" with saying that Harry gave a sarcastic smile to Lucas and sat beside me.

And then, 3 heads were snapped towards me in an instant.

"I did not invited you, you liar" I hissed at Harry. Clenching my jaw.

"You heard her, Harry, now get lost" Anna said.

"Leave him Anna, he lies, that's what he does anyway, always has been" I said with a shrug. She understood what I was referring to as I had told them everything that happened yesterday.

I saw hurt in Harry's eyes but it was instantly changed by amusement when Blake and Matt came and sat beside Anna and Bella who were not very happy with them sitting here with us.

"Seriously, why are you guys even here?" Bella asked them not even hiding the fact that they weren't exactly wanted here.

"Trust me, we don't want to be here as well only because of Harry we are here" Matt said with a scoff.

"Looks like your girlfriend is not happy with you being here. Tell her to stop staring like that, it's creepy" I mentioned with a sour face towards Susan who has been doing nothing but glaring at me this whole time.

"She is not my girlfriend and why? You jealous?" Harry asked me with a smirk.

I snorted and then was about to say something but Lucas cut me off.

"Why would she be jealous? Dude, you guys are over since a long time ago. Get over it. Move on. Like she has" I was actually shocked when Lucas said that.

I could see Harry clenching his fists tight, his knuckles started turning white. Jaw clenched. His vein was now visible in his neck. Beautiful green eyes were now flashing with anger and had turned dark.

"Listen here and listen good, you Luky guy or whatever your name is I don't care who you are to her but if you ever say that again I swear I will kill you and you stay away from her because she was and she still is mine" after being said that Harry gave a very hard glare to Lucas and walked away with Matt and Blake hot on his tail.

All of us were looking at each other with wide open eyes and my heart was beating so fast like it would come out of my chest. I exhaled out a breath that I didn't knew I was holding.

"What the effing fuck was that, Lucas?" His sister said glaring at him with narrowed eyes.

"What? Mind your own business" Lucas said with an irritation filled voice to Anna and stood up and walked out too.

I didn't know what to do and how to do. I was feeling so frustrated. I feel like punching someone with so much force.

Bell finally rang and the three of us stood up and walked out for our own classes in silence, still too shocked to say anything.


The school has finally ended for the day. I am so ready to go home and watch some series and sleep. With Cheetos. Yummy! My chain of thoughts were ended when I saw Anna and Bella coming towards me.

"Where is Lucas?" I asked them.

"Said he has practice" Bella said. I nodded my head. He is in our school's Basketball team. We started walking towards our cars which were parked in the parking lot.

"He said sorry? After you know..." I asked Anna about Lucas who snapped at Anna so rudely. I didn't know what came over him because he never talks to Anna like that.

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