Chapter 13

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A/N: I found the girl, guys!!! It's Dakota Fanning who will be playing as Elle Evans. She is extremely beautiful, isn't she? Again, you are free to imagine whoever you like as Elle. Above is the picture of Elle. 

Now, with the story!

Ellie's POV ~~~

Looks like today was an exceptionally cold day. The wind was cold as it breezed past me. The dried leaves crunched under our shoes as we walked home.

I looked up to see Harry lost in his thoughts as our hands were intertwined together. His palm squeezing mine as if he was afraid to let go.

It's been a week since my date with Harry, where I agreed to be with him. Since that day we've been inseparable. It's like we are making up for the lost time we've spent without each other.

We were on our way back to home from school. The weather in the morning was great, it wasn't as windy as it is now. So we decided to just walk our way to school. Me and him.

He was wearing a beanie hiding his curls under it and his face as much as he could. I told him, this morning that it was a bad idea, walking to school today as it will only bring attention of people. But he was adamant.

Harry has been like a perfect boyfriend, like he always was. I know it's been years and he has changed a lot. As time goes by, changes occur, that's life. But to me he will always be my Harry and whatever change has come to him I will accept it with open arms as I know he will do the same.

"You cold?" A deep voice broke me out of thoughts.

I looked up to see bright emerald eyes, looking at me with worry. I didn't even noticed that I've been shivering from cold.

"No, No, I am fine, nothing I can't tolerate" I replied to him, with a warm smile on my face.

He stopped me, ignoring what I said, took off his coat and draped it over my shoulders to keep me warm.

He took my face in his palms and pecked my lips, making my insides warm. His lips were there for mere seconds but long enough to make my lips start tingling.

Suddenly I heard a clicking sound. I looked around to see nobody there, only a few people holding a stare as they walked past us, looking at Harry.

Where did that sound come from? I wonder.

"You make me worry about you, love" He sighed to himself, breaking my thoughts.

"Thank you, but you worry too much" I chuckled.

It's cute. So cute. Him worrying after me.

I couldn't help myself I took his cheeks in my hands, pinching them, I said "you are so cute, baby"

He swatted my hands away and grumbled "I am not cute" angrily.

I started laughing at him, his cheeks were now red, where I pinched him.

I was so busy laughing, that I choked on my own spit. I started coughing loudly.

Harry snickered "Karma" then started laughing at me.

I just watched him angrily. He is not cute anymore, this little bitch.


We reached my home.

We stopped and I looked at Harry and said "You know, there is no one home."

"Let's get inside, then" He said with a smirk.

Couldn't stay away//H.S ✔Where stories live. Discover now