Chapter 3

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Ellie's POV ~~

Today is the day I dreaded the most. Today I will face him. Today I will face my inner fear. Today I will face that guy.

"You ready, Ellie?" Anne asked me, as we were sitting in her car looking towards our school.

Students were wandering around before the bell ring for our first period. Some were waiting for their friends, some were studying under the tree, some were going inside the school, some were chatting like they are meeting each other after 2 or 3 years.

"As ready as I will ever be" I muttered and opened up the door and left the car and stood beside it, waiting for Anne.

As she reached to me we started walking towards the school gates together.

"Hey, guys" Anne said to Lucas and Bella as they were waiting for us beside my locker.

"He is here" Bella said with a nod.

"Good" I said with a shrug.

We started walking down the corridor to our class because we all had the same class, but soon we saw a huge crowd beside a locker door. It was so difficult to push everyone out of our way that I nearly tripped myself over a person but two arms saved me from falling.

"Thanks, Lucas" I said, thinking that it was him who saved me, while brushing the imaginary dust from my top and jeans without looking at him.

"I would've said your welcome, but it's not Lucas" a familiar voice said.

I looked up to see who it was, I was met with a familiar pair of green orbs not the usual light brown eyes, I was used to see, everyday.

He was so close to me, invading my personal space. But at that time I didn't mind, at all, too shocked to move. His arms made their way to my waist making goosebumps appear on my skin.

My palms grew sweaty, my heart was pounding so hard, like it will be out of my chest any minute, my eyes were wide large from the shock.

"Harry" I whispered.

Just as he heard his name coming out of my mouth his eyes were filled with an emotion, I didn't knew he would feel, guilt.

I came back to my senses and freed my self from his arms and distanced myself from him. I looked at him with pure disgust and started walking back to the way I was going, ignoring his shouts.

I cannot believe I lost myself like that in front of him. I cannot let that happen. I know, he still has that effect on me. But I won't make him see that. I am stronger than before. I am not that girl anymore.


I am in my Physics class right now. Lucas was seated behind me whereas Anne and Bella were on my left and right hand side, respectively. Harry was seating in Lucas's row in the corner.

Lucas was busy on his phone texting to, I don't know who. That's when our teacher, Mr. Parker saw Lucas with his phone.

Mr. Parker is a middle aged man with a slight belly and a mustache. He was teacher whom you can make fun of and he will not say much to you. You can say anything to that guy and he will leave you only after scolding, a little. Overall, he is a nice teacher even though he has zero teaching skills.

"Mr. Monteiro, you know the rules, right? No phone is allowed in the class" Mr. Parker said to Lucas.

"Yeah, yeah, I know" Lucas huffed in a dramatic manner.

I just chuckled seeing his tactics with the teacher.

"Do you find something funny? Ms. Evans?" Mr. Parker asked me. I guess he heard my chuckle.

Couldn't stay away//H.S ✔Where stories live. Discover now