Chapter 25

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Ellie's POV ~

I had already asked Anna and Belle in the party that if they will be going to Susan's, they said that Lucas had invited them too but didn't wanted to go but if I am going then they will too.

We all get inside our boyfriend's cars and ask them to drive to Susan's.

Man, now I have to suffer another party in this dress.

We reached at Susan's home. I've never been here before. It looks like a fucking mansion. Looks like, her parents are filthy rich.

We all make our way inside together after parking our cars.

We see teenagers dancing to the music as it blared loudly from the speakers. Some were drinking and totally wasted while some were snorting drugs in the corners.

They are doing drugs here?

I see Susan making her way towards us with anger and disdain showing on her plastic face.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She asks pointing at me.

"Lucas invited me" I shrugged.

"Well, this is my party and I invite people here and I didn't invited you so get out of here" She screamed angrily making some people turn their heads at us.

Anger flashed through me as my eyes narrowed and a frown make it's way on my face.

"You know what, I didn't wanted to come here before but now that I am here, I am not leaving" I gritted out with my arms folded on my chest.

I close the gap between us a little and lean down as she is shorter than me a little.

"Do whatever you can, bitch" I taunted and takes Harry's hand and start walking to the bar. Leaving Susan behind fuming.

We meet Lucas halfway. He looked impressed.

He smirked at me and said "Looks like you handled her on your own."

"She started it, I finished it" I shrugged.

He chuckled and nodded then left after talking with Anna and Belle too.

We are now sitting on the bar with our drink in our hands.

"I loved how you handled Susan there" Harry says as we sit while the others had already gone to dance the night away.

I shrugged like it was nothing.

He leans in near my face, I thought he was going to kiss me but then he whispered near my ear "You look so hot when you're angry" and then takes the top of my ear in his mouth nibbling it slightly and then leans back.

I blushed as a rush of heat passed down to my core.

I giggled and said "Thank you, I guess."

He chuckled looking at my flustered self.

After a few hours while me and Harry were talking, our friends also joining us in the conversation a few times, we heard a blood curling scream coming from upstairs.

The music suddenly stopped. It was a girl's scream and I didn't even know how can she scream so loud that it could be heard even when the music is playing in the speakers.

Everybody looked at the stairs to see a girl stumbling downstairs, I don't know what her name was but I've seen her around school, passing by in the hallways.

She was shivering while it wasn't even that cold inside the house and her face looked pale. It looked like she had seen a ghost.

She pointed her dainty, shivering finger upstairs as if pointing at someone but there was no one there.

It was pin drop silence as everybody looked at one another in question. The music had stopped a long time ago.

A guy comes forward from the crowd and shake her shoulder a little and asks her "What's wrong?"

"T-There is-" She stammered but then took a deep breath to control her shaking and breathing.

"There is a dead body upstairs" She lets out and then starts sobbing.

Everybody starts screaming when they hear what has happened.

I looked at Harry and my friends with wide eyes, I look around in the crowd but I couldn't find Lucas anywhere.

I snapped Anna out of her thoughts and whispers in her ear "Where is Lucas?"

Her eyes widened in alarm as she starts looking around.

A strange feeling starts creeping in my stomach.

What if something happened to him?

What if his body- No, No don't think like this, El.

I tell everybody to look around for Lucas but sadly we couldn't find him anywhere.

Looks like somebody called ambulance and police. Police officers come barging in and they were led upstairs to the dead body.

We still didn't knew who it was. The girl said she couldn't see the body's face.

How could this happen? Was it murder or something?

The paramedics let the body out in a stretcher as we all decided to go outside. Many people had left because they were kind of scared.

But we didn't as we still couldn't find Lucas anywhere and just thinking if Lucas is the one in the strecher makes me feel numb.

A few moments later, a police officer walked towards us as we were standing in a corner outside of the house as they put the dead body inside the ambulance.

"Hey! Kids, y'all can go. We've talked with all the people who were around the crime scene. Any investigation will start after the postmortem reports" He says.

Thank god! They didn't called our parents or something or else I would've been so grounded as I told my parents that I am staying at Belle's tonight.

"Who is the person who was murdered though?" Harry asks.

"You guys don't know? She was in your school. It was Susan Montgomery" He informs us.

My eyes popped open as I looked at him with horror.

It was Susan!?


Thank you for reading!!

I don't feel good. I've come down with a cold. Sorry for the late update!

Haven't been feeling like writing for a few days that's why it took so long to update.

Check out @Ptrcym she made the cover of this book. Thank you, hun. <3

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