Chapter 20

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Ellie's POV ~~

Just as I punched him in the jaw, his eyes widened, when he see I was the one who punched him.

Susan shrieked when my fist met Harry's jaw and she grabbed his shoulders to steady him and looked at him with concern, which was so fake, I could just see right through her.

A large purple bruise started appearing, where I hit him.

He shrug Susan's hands off from him and starts taking steps towards me but I held up my hand to stop him and he did stop.

"Stay the fuck away from me from now on" I spat in his face and walked towards my car and sped to my house.

I can't believe it, just when I was thinking to solve this out and forgive him, he does this.

I know it's not like he was kissing her or anything or he cheated on me, again, might I add.

No, that wasn't the reason.

What really fucking hurt was seeing her in his arms it was like that night, all over again.

She has done so much to me, to him, to us. And he fucking knows it but he still goes hugging her around.

She was the one he cheated me with, she is the one who used to bully me, she is the one because of whom we lost one year of us being together, she is the one because of whom we aren't together right now.

She is the fucking problem.

She is a manipulative bitch and why can't Harry see that is beyond me.

My hands tightened around the steering wheel and tears, because of frustration clouded my eyes.

I am so fed up, with him, with her, with everything.

Why can't he see she is breaking us apart? That it is all just a sick plan of her?

Seeing the girl your boyfriend cheated you with in his arms again is not something any girl could handle then, how can I?

With all the angry thoughts still roaming in my head I finally reached home and went straight into my bedroom.

Tears were still coming out of my eyes and I couldn't hold them back.

I just laid there, on my bed and cried myself to sleep.


My phone has been buzzing since tomorrow. It's Harry, I know, I've been ignoring him.

He was trying to talk to me today in the school but one glare from me, filled with anger and resentment sent him right back where he came from.

I've been ignoring his calls and test messages, too. My phone hasn't stopped buzzing since then and I am getting so frustrated that I want to pull my hair out.

I turned it silent but the notifications keep popping up and seeing them, his excuses and apologies, I get more angry.

I am right now sitting with Belle, Anna, Lucas, Matt and Blake in a café.

"He is going crazy, you know that right?" Matt says.

Is he trying to make me feel guilty?

"Let him, then. I don't care" I say with a roll of my eyes.

I told Anna, Belle and Lucas everything yesterday night. They were of course, angry with him but moreover disappointed. I haven never seen them this disappointed in life.

When I asked them about it, they said and I quote "We really thought Harry was the one but the way he has been acting and doing things, lately, we don't know what to think anymore."

Couldn't stay away//H.S ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant