Chapter 22 - The Transfer

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 ---I'm sorry i didn't upload yesterday. I was tired, busy and still had to write. I was going to send out a notification but it was messed up at the time. Lucky me. Anyway, I appreciate any comments, votes and shares. They help a lot. Thanks!---

 ---Picture of Zeal >>>---

I made my way up to Cortney to greet her. She was sitting on a table with some of her friends.

"Hey Cortney." I say giving a shy wave while approaching them.

"Harv! Come sit with us!" She demanded. Her friends gave her a strange look, almost like she was inviting a cow to dinner.

"O-only if its okay with all of your friends." I ask shyly. Cortney gave them a murderous glare.

"Yeah sure." They agreed with fear in their voices. I guess they didn't have much of an option. Cortney pretty much decided for them. I took a seat beside Cortney, and her friends look weirded out, Lillian however was her usual self. She didn't pay much attention to me.

"Is this the boy that's supposedly good at singing?" One of her friends asked.

"Yup, he can also cook, play piano, and guitar. He can pretty much do everything." Cortney brags.

"I can't tell if that's sarcasm." One girl said rolling her eyes.

"Only one way to find out I suppose!" Cortney says smirking at me, probably hinting for me to play them a song.

"Cortney classes start soon!" I whine.

"See, he obviously can't do it. Don't force him." The girl spouted. Cortney stood from the table, grabbing me.

"Follow me you guys." She demanded. They all groaned. I just lowered my head in defeat as Cortney pulled me to the music room on the second floor of the school. She slammed the door open and motioned her friends in.

"Play us something Harv!" She cheered. We've come too far to turn back I suppose. I sigh and pull myself up to the piano. Cortney's friends looked bored, some of them on their phones.

(I was going to add a song here but the video got removed and I can't find it anywhere.)

I worked my fingers up to the piano keys and began playing.

At first one of them thought it was a ringtone from their friend's. The others thought one of them were playing a song from their phone. When I began singing their heads shot my way.

I heard gasps arising from the the small crowd. They all sat there without a word. Cortney leaned against a well with her eyes shut. She seemed to be enjoying the music.

When I finished they started expressing their surprise through hushed voices, chatting between each other.

"The rumors were actually true, you're an amazing singer!" One of the girls complimented.

"Even we know not to trust rumors, but this one was actually real!" Another said in shock. "My name is Emily." She finished sticking her hand out for me to shake, with a smile.

"I'm Ramira." "I'm Becka." They continued one after the other. They crowded around me now trying to get my attention. I was honestly flustered, but also a little sad, they only wanted to be my friends cause of my "talent".

The bells rang and we all ran out the room trying to make our way to class. Some of the girls were screaming extremely loud and laughing while running through the hall. They really are something.

I made my way to math class. We had a test today. I didn't study for it, I felt I could probably get by without it. We were handed our tests and the class was ordered to be silent. This test was very easy, though that's usually the case.

I finished up quickly and looked out the window. The sky was pretty cloudy today. I heard footsteps approaching my desk, I look to see who it was. The teacher stood at my desk and wore an irritated look. She was a substitute for the previous teacher, so she's just filling in for the time being.

"No slacking Mr. Harris." She scolded.

"Uh, ma'am I've already finished." I say, handing her my papers. She took a quick look at it while adjusting her glasses.

"Where's the cheat sheet?" She demanded putting out her hand in expectance. She said it quite loud so now some of the students were looking my way.

"I-I don't have one." I reply, suddenly nervous.

"If you don't hand it over this instant your detention will last much longer young man." She says looking down at me in rage.

"I'm telling you I didn't cheat!" I raised my voice. I didn't want to put up with this. I worked so hard getting to where I am and everyone just denies me. Did I really look that unintelligent?

"Isn't there anyway I can prove it?" I ask. Stood there tapping her foot with a swollen face.

"Here's what I'll do, if you can answer some problems I give you then I'll consider it. If you can't, DETENTION!" She says rolling her eyes. She went up to her desk and pulled out a book. She wrote some of the contents from it down on a piece of paper. She walked back to me and placed the page onto my desk. It was the questions I had to solve. These obviously weren't high school level problems, in fact most colleges never taught them. She probably didn't even know what they meant, she even messed up on writing one of them. I erased part of it to correct it and she grew furious.

"Just what do you think you're doing Mr." She shouted extremely loud. She totally had an anger problem. I wouldn't be surprised if she was Gale's mother. The whole class looked at me and the teacher, like they were watching a show.

"I'm j-just fixing one of the problems ma'am. It was written wrong." I say, earning oohs and gasps the students. The teacher looked extremely embarrassed.

"You're being problematic. I'm just going to have to send you to detention." She scoffs flipping her hair. That was very petty. I didn't bother arguing with her cause I know how the teachers can be. 

Sometime later I headed into my next class.

"We have a new transfer student." The teacher announced. The man walked in and shot the class a flirtatious smile and a hair flip. He had a geeky charm to him. The girls in class managed to fan girl over him. He looked almost like he could be my long lost older brother... maybe.

"Sorry I'm late. I got a little tied up, anyway its nice to meet all of you. I'm Zeal Auffry." He greets, bowing slightly.

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