"Kiss me until I say I've had enough."

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Katie's POV:

"How can I help you, ma'am?"

"Oh, I am just looking for a trustworthy test. My husband is worried about me." I said as my cheeks flushed.

"Well, I believe I can help you with that!"

The silver haired lady smiled and walked over to me, scanning the shelves of tests until her fingers wrapped around a blue box.

"This was what I always used. Was right every time, try it out." She placed the box in my hands and squeezed them

"Good luck, sweetie." She said. I nodded and thanked her, before paying and getting in to my car. The whole drive home my mind was buzzing.

That tall mans voice echoed through my head, torturing me. I feel like I was close to him. But I have never met him once.

The soft sound of the radio soon became a thunder that shook the windows. The blaring music drowned out my thoughts of that man who was invading my dreams, I need to forget about him and focus on my family. I pulled my Mustang into the driveway and unbuckled my seat belt.

"You're back!" Sean said as I walked over the threshold of the front door. He ran up to me and dug around in my grocery bag until he found the box of tests.

"You bought them?" I nodded and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I bought them, and now I am going to take them." Having said so I took the box out of his hands and walked to the bathroom.

I took the test out of the blue packaging and ran my thumb over its front. "Here we go.."
I breathed.

* * * *

"Oh, thank the Lord. Sean!" I called.

"Yeah, babe, what did it say?" He asked as he ran down the hall in excitement, only stopping when he ran into a wall or to put his hands on my hips. His blue eyes were alight with hope. I do not know whether he is hopeful for another child or what.

"It was negative, I am sorry Sean." I turned away from him, letting my eyes rest on the floor.

"Hey," A hand cupped my cheek and turned my head back to face him, "don't apologize." Sean brought his other hand up to my face, and he smiled. "It's okay. We'll just keep trying, yeah?" He laughed and gave me a playful wink.

I laughed, "Eheh, y-yeah. . ." I felt the my cheeks heat up at his words.
Then I gasped and slapped a hand to my temple.

"We will just have to keep trying, eh?"
I glared at his cheeky grin and nudged him with my shoulder, standing on my tip-toes to plant my lips on his plump pink ones.


"Huh?" I blinked the fuzziness out of my eyes, "What?" I was on the ground, in Harry's arms. Harry? "Katie, babe, are you all right?" I blinked once more and saw Sean looking down at me worriedly. "Hi." I breathed.

"You scared me so badly, baby. What happened?" He asked. His hand ran through my hair, with a terrified little grin. The feeling of his warm arm around my shoulders made a feeling of serenity wash over me.

Katie, stop!


Please, remember us. . . please.

Who is that?! My eyes widened. That voice. . . H-Harry? "Are you all right, Katie? You look pale."

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Tell me what's wrong, right now." He said with his arms crossed over his chest. "Please tell me, babe. I'm beginning to worry about you." Worry? No. You're not one to worry.

The Demon Within IIIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora