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I just need to get this out there for you guys. I know most people these days expect you to have the perfect flat stomach and perfect legs with a thigh gap or some crap like that.

But truth is, nobody has a body like that. Magazines and pictures with those models on them are all PHOTOSHOPPED. They're fake, all of them. You don't need to have a perfect body or flawless skin to have a boyfriend.

I have a friend who isn't the smallest girl in the world in the world and she's got a boyfriend, they're happy together. So stop looking at those magazines, stop comparing yourself to fake models, stop judging yourself because the world tells you that you aren't good enough because you know what?

God made you the way you are, you are made in His image and God is freaking perfect y'all. He loves you the way you are and if boys think you're too fat or have too much acne they're the dumbest people I have ever heard of.

I will write a whole paragraph telling you you're perfect because I know it's the truth.

Your hair is perfect, your eyes are perfect, your nose is perfect, your mouth is perfect, your chin and neck are perfect, your stomach is perfect, your thighs are perfect, your calves are perfect, your feet are perfect. YOU ARE PERFECT. Every little inch of your body is perfection. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Guys who date girls for their body are assholes who want nothing more than sex, (pardon my language but srsly that's disgusting) They don't deserve you if they put you down because of weight, or acne or the nerdy way you dress. Find a guy who will love you because of the way you are right now, in this very moment.

Those slutty girls at school who pick on you are just jealous because they can't be you.

Don't dirty your wrist with scars just because of what people think, people don't matter! They're stupid to think that you're anything less than perfect, John 14:1 says;

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me."

Guys, I don't want you to sink into depression or any deeper if you already are. I'm going to be posting a ton of Bible Verses throughout this message because I need you guys to know how much I care. Not only me but God too, it hurts Him watching millions of His children self harming/killing themselves everyday.

He loves each and every one of you so much, everybody on this whole freakin planet has an equal amount of His love watching over them every day. Even Obama! (Shocking I know.) But God still made President Obama the same as everybody else.

And you know what I say to those people who put you down?

"You poop, you pee, like everybody else."

- Lizza from Vine.

Yeah, everyone has different qualities or bodies but on the inside, we're all the same.

Romans 16:20 "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you."

The demons in your head are just there to push you away from God by making you curse Him for making you the way you are.

For a while, I let those demons into my head. I let them point out every flaw I saw on my body, my stomach bulged and my thighs were too wide. My feet are huge, my face is too round, there's too many to name.

But we all have our flaws you know? Thats what life is, it isn't perfection. Not even close.

Those imperfections make you even more perfect than those stupid models. If you're letting the demon run your life do something I did, talk to your mom, your dad, grandparents or anyone who cares about you.

You're all perfect, in every little way possible you are perfect. So don't let them tell you you're not.

I love you all, please don't continue to cut or starve yourselves for the worlds pleasure. The world is a sick place y'all.

I Love you💜💚💕💗💞💘💓💛💙❤.

- OtakuGirlyy

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