Decision of a lifetime.

22 1 5


Marked her as his own? No. I won't believe that.
"I won't let you have her."

I growled as red clouded my vision. Handing my daughter– my own flesh and blood– over to filth like Sean would ruin me. It would tear me apart from the inside out.

"I figured you wouldn't." Replied said filth as he took a step forward.
"Too bad it isn't up to you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"
  Natalie started to thrash around violently in my grip, teeth gnashing and eyes wild with a ravage hunger.
    With gritted teeth, I tightened my hold on her wrists and pushed her down onto the glistening pavement below us.
    The bruises on my face and chest had faded a while back but if this keeps up, they might make a reappearance.

  "Whether or not she comes with me isn't up to you. It isn't up to me either, actually. It's all up to her."

     My chest heaved.
It's her decision, but, with the way she's acting right now, it doesn't seem like the choice she'll make will be the right one. I can't let go of her.

    A black blur caught my eye and my chest caught.
   Don't tell me...
Before I could react my body was forced onto the wet pavement below us and my chin stung from the impact.

"Welcome back. I was beginning to worry about you, Stan." Sean said with a sarcastic smirk.

I cursed.
Why won't he stay down?! Then realization hit.

I let go of Natalie.

Harry tried to run toward the wolf sitting on top of me, but was cut off when Sean snapped his fingers in Natalie's face, making her head snap up.
Her eyes glowed in the rainy night with an almost radiant hue.
Natalie pushed herself off the ground, trembling as she did so, and slowly stumbled in Harry's direction.
Her eyes showed fear and remorse, but they also held an intent to kill.

"Kill... Kill... Kill..."
My breathing quickened.
I couldn't talk, seeing as my chin was currently being shattered into a million pieces against the rocky ground.


"That's right beautiful. Kill him."

No, stop this!

A chillingly warm breeze blew by, pushing Natalie's hair across her hardened features.
I could smell the bloodlust radiating off of the two male werewolves in waves.
My muscles tensed under Stan's weight and I pushed myself up far enough off of the ground to speak.

"Stop this Natalie! Snap out of it!"

"She can't hear you."
Stan growled, forcing me back down.
I flinched but refused to give up easily. But, what am I supposed to do? Stan seemed to weigh at least two tons, and I may be strong, but I'm not that strong.

"Gah!" Harry's angry cry caught my attention. I looked up as best I could with Stan holding me down and saw Sean with his fist wrapped around Harry's hair, pinning his arms behind his back and tugging violently while he waited for Natalie to reach him.
        Somehow a shining silver blade had appeared in her hands as she stumbled forward. Every fiber of my being was screaming at me to at least try to fight back, put in a little effort, but all my body would allow me to do was watch. Every second was painful. Each one grew increasingly more so.

I had long forgotten about the pain I felt all over. The only thing on my mind was the scene playing out directly in front of me.

My youngest child, my youngest daughter, was being controlled by my oldest enemy.

"Natalie, please! Don't do this!"

My voice was drowned out by the wind, and all I could do from that point on was watch in absolute horror as Natalie raised the blade above her head and plunged it straight into Harry's neck. His eyes as well as mine grew wide before glossing over, eyelids falling halfway, and his knees went slack.

It was happening all over again.
   The science from that day so many years ago had resurfaced, and was replaying both in memory and in my real life, as well.

Blood fell from the puncture wound in his neck just like it had back when the demon king had sliced through his throat.

I screamed.

(x) (x) (x)

and like almost every anime known to man, a parent dies. admittedly, it did get a little dark, but hey if that's what will make the chapter longer, then so be it.

- OtakuGirlyy(愛の). 💕

The Demon Within IIIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora