Return to war

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Katie's POV

Harry shoved Siana and the Master out of our front door before walking towards my trembling frame, my body shaking in his arms, "You're alright baby girl, I've got you, I promise."

I shook my head frantically with wide eyes and my hands clutched onto his ripped black shirt, "H-he said he's gonna find me, I'm s-scared Harry!"

"Don't be, I won't let him touch you. I think he's caused you enough pain for one life time." He kissed the top of my head and carried me upstairs to our bedroom, where I turned and pounded my fists on his chest, "Why haven't you contacted me?! You scared me to death, I thought you were dead!" He got a sympathetic glint in his eyes and wrapped me in warm hug, kissing the top of my head while I soaked his chest with my tears. "I'm so sorry. The power at the base went out when a bomb fell nearby, and we've been busy trying to fix it."

I sniffed and glared at him, "You still could've sent me a letter, a messenger pigeon - Something to let me know my husband was still alive and well." My panicked complaints were answered when he kissed my forehead and laid me on our bed.

"Are you staying Harry? Please?"

"I can't-"

"Just for the night? I need you just for tonight, please?"

He sighed and started taking his shirt off, "Alright, but if I get in trouble later I'm blaming you." I smiled and nodded my head as I nuzzled my face in his neck, breathing in his scent. "I miss you a lot when you're gone you know."

He chuckled breathily and started kissing up my neck, "Yeah, I know you do."

I smiled and snuggled in close to him once again, "Wait. Are the kids in bed?"

"Mhm, I tucked them in on the couch when you fell unconscious."

"When did that happen?" He laughed and kissed my forehead, "Don't worry about it, lets just sleep."

I sighed in content and snuggled deeper into his chest, "How much longer will you be away Haz?"

I heard a sigh and the mattress moved as Harry turned the bedside lamp on, "I've still got three years and eight months babe, but they'll fly by okay? Now come 'ere and sleep, I won't let anything happen to you, to any of you."

I nodded and place light kisses on his neck and chest, hoping to help both of us fall asleep quicker than usual. "Goodnight babe. Love you."

"I love you too baby, sweet dreams."

I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent, the smell of his aftershave was comforting and helped me fall asleep quicker than I ever have before.

--next morning--

"Wake up babe, I've gotta head back but I want a kiss before I leave." Harrys sweet scent woke me from my dreams, and his words caused me to jump right into his arms, "You're not going to erase my memory again are you?" I mumbled into his neck, "Not with them around, it's best you're aware of your power if they show up again."

I shuddered, "What if Sean shows up?"

"Then you rip his throat out, you've done it twice before. I believe in you, plus you've got to protect Nathan and Natalie while I'm away right?"

I laughed softly and lifted my eyes to meet his shining emerald eyes, a few tears slipping from my own, "I love you so much."

"I love you more." He smiled and pecked my lips, "That's impossible."

"No it isn't, it's totally possible when I'm talking about you."

I smiled and stood on my feet, stepping up on my tiptoes to give him a goodbye kiss and hugged his neck. Resting my head in the space between his jaw and shoulder, "Be careful okay? Don't you go gettin' shot." I looked into his eyes and smiled, his lips found my own and moved in sync with them. He pulled away after a few minutes and breathed, "Never."

"Good, now you better get going soldier. Don't wanna keep Sargeant waiting now do we?"

He shook his head and kissed my cheeks, eyelids and nose before finally reaching my lips again, "see you later beautiful."

And then he disappeared.


Hey guys! Sorry its short but I'm super tired and it is almost midnight. But hopefully this will keep y'all contained until I can post an Honest chapter on here.

Until then,

Vote, Comment, and Fan!


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