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Katie's POV

"Katie wake up, I've got a big day planned for us." I groaned and rolled onto my side, the bed dipped beside and I felt Harry's breath on my face. He gently pushed his lips on mine in attempt to wake me up, "Harry." I felt him smile against my lips as my eyes opened the slightest bit, "Mornin' sunshine, sleep well?" I nodded and scooted to his chest, "Someone's feeling all snugly today." "I'm cold that's all." His arms wrapped around my back and pulled me closer to his chest, his bare chest, I might add. "If you're feeling up to it I have a special day planned." I closed my eyes and mumbled "You told me." "I know but you didn't answer." I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck, "You know I like the cuddly side of you." "Oh really?" He chuckled, "Your hair tickles my nose a bit though." I gave a sleepy laugh and closed my eyes again, "Katie get upppp!" "Help me." One arm was placed on the back of my neck while the other was under my thighs, I snuggled into his chest as he carried me down the stairs, "Okay I think it's time for you to walk on your own." I groaned in protest as my bare feet hit the cold wood beneath me, "What are we doing that's so special you had to wake me up this early?" He smiled at me and took my hands in his, "We're getting an ultrasound today! I want to see my child." I watched his eyes move from my face to my stomach before he placed his hand under my belly button, "Hey there little one, this is your daddy speaking. Hurry up and grow big and strong so we can see you soon, alright?" I gasped as I felt a kick on my stomach, "Harry it heard you." "I felt him." "What if its not a him?" He looked up at me and smiled ear to ear, "When will we actually find out what it is?" "In a few weeks." I walked down the hall to get back to our room, "I'm taking a shower, I won't be long." I walked into our bathroom after getting my fresh clothes and turned the water on, I hummed my favorite song while washing my hair before shutting the water off and wrapping my fluffy pink towel around me. I dried my chocolate curls, got dressed in my white and pink frog shirt and straightened my curly hair, "Katie hurry up! The appointment is in one hour!" "I'm almost done, calm down!" I sighed and brushed my foundation onto my face before doing my eye makeup and walking out of the bathroom, "Your hair smells nice." I gasped when I heard Harry's voice behind me, my hair was in his hand as he sniffed and stroked at it, "Harold! Don't scare me like that, I didn't know you were there!"

He chuckled and took my hand, "Lets get going, the doctor's office is a little ways away." He kissed my knuckles before taking me to the car and getting in, "Harry?" "Mm?" I looked down at my lap and played with my fingers, "I-I'm a little nervous." He took his eyes off the clear road and held my hand in his, giving it a little squeeze, "You'll be fine, I'll be right next to you the whole time. Don't worry." He gave me a kind smile and turned his eyes back to the road, it was about a thirty minute drive from our home to the office and when we got inside Harry sat us down in the waiting area. "We should think of names, yeah?" I smiled and nodded, "You first!" "Okay, for a boy... Edward and a girl.... Natalie." 'Natalie...' That name struck a pang in my heart, it was so familiar yet I have never known a Natalie in my life, "I like those names Harry! How did you come up with them?" His eyes flashed for a second, "Erm... I don't know they just... came to me?" I was about to ask him he sounded so unsure when, "An appointment for Styles?" "That's us, come along darling." Harry took my hand and lead me into a small room full of technology, "Mrs. Styles if you would sit here please, we'll begin. Can you roll your shirt up a bit for me?" My face turned red as I nodded and rolled the fabric up to my chest, "Now this may be a bit chilly." The nurse rubbed some clear gel onto my tiny baby bump and turned the computer on, the screen showed the inside of my stomach, "You see that little tiny alien looking thing in the middle? That's your baby." I felt tears sting my eyes as joy filled my very being, I heard Harry whisper, "It's so beautiful." I looked over at to see that he had tears in his eyes as well, he took my hand in his but never took his eyes off the screen. "Harry." His tear-filled eyes turned to look at me, as I spoke my happy voice was barely heard, "We're parents Harry!"


Okay you guys are probably going to kill me for another short chapter, but I wanted to end it on a happy note and I'm out of ideas... I'm sorry!

Please don't kill me.

Okay, bye.

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