A day for Kisses

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Katie's POV

Harry unlocked the door and slowly opened it, for dramatic effect he hummed the 'Bum bum bummm' music. I walked inside with a huge smile on my face, "Harry this is beautiful! Oh I just love it, we need to hurry and decorate it too!" I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck, his wrapped around my waist and spun me around like he did the day we got married.

"Let's get the boxes and start unloading." I brought my arms back to my side and walked to the elevator, "This is going to take forever if we have to do this every time." Harry breathlessly grunted as we went back upstairs with two huge boxes, "We could-ugh- call some movers in, to h-help us." My suggestion was taken as we placed the boxes on the ground of our new home, Harry reached into his pocket to get his phone before dialing the movers number. "They'll be here in 20 minutes, we should at least get the smaller boxes to help 'em out." "Yeah, let's get a trolley." We walked back to the main lobby and got one of the trolleys before going back to the RV which held the contents of our old home.

I got the box of pillows and blankets and set it on the cart, followed by dishes and clothes, "Okay all that's left is the furniture!" I smiled at Harry as we pushed the buggy back to our penthouse, we started to unload the box of dishes. I sorted the plates and bowls before putting them in the cabinets, "Time for the silverware!" I grabbed the bundle of spoons and set them in a little slot of our silverware tray sitting in the drawer, I put the forks in then the knives before closing the drawer and walking back to Harry, 'knock knock' "I'll get it." I walked to the door and opened it, "London Movers, are you Mrs. Styles?". "Yes sir, come on in." I opened the door a bit wider and stepped to the side, three or four men walked in carrying our couch, "Where do ya want it?" I looked at Harry telling him to choose, "Uh right here would be perfect." He waved to the big window wall on the south side of the main area, the men grunted as they moved to the wall and set the piece of furniture on the hardwood floor. "You're not from this area are you?" "No sir we just moved here from England." I smiled as I walked up to Harry wrapping my arms around one of his.

Then a few more people came in with our mahogany table and our very padded chairs and set them near the couch, the table went in the corner of the room while the coffee table sat in front of the blue couch. "There ya go its all done, that'll be $65." The man held his hand out while slapping his fingers against his palm, Harry dug around in his wallet and handed him the money, "Thank you sir, you were a big help." He smiled at him and the man waved him off, "Yeah yeah..." The door closed as Harry turned to look at me with a huge smile dancing on his face, "You know, we should really break this place in." He smirked and took a step towards me, as I took a step back, "What do you mean, 'Break it in'?"All he did was chuckle and take another step towards me as I backed up, I gasped as my back hit the wall behind me, his smirk grew as he advanced on me, "H-Harry what do mean by that?" I looked up at his towering figure through my lashes, his fingers wrapped around my chin forcing me to look him in the eye. "This." His lips smashed onto mine as he placed his hands on my hips, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tiptoes. His strong muscular arms lifted me off the ground, carrying me to our couch, he broke the kiss to say, "Lets test this old things strength." Before pushing his lips back to mine, he gently pushed me onto my back with his arms on either side of me,

I played with his curls for a few minutes before he pulled away.

I pouted my lip and tugged on his paper plane necklace bringing his lips back to mine, I whined as he, once again, sat up out of my reach. "Wait, I heard something." He got of the couch and walked to the door, listening through the wood. I felt a rush of worry overcome me as his face grew a horrified expression, "Katie get to the closet and lock the door, grab a knife or something for protection. Hurry!" "But Harry-" "No buts! Go!" Tears filled my eyes as I ran to the kitchen to get the butcher knife, "Won't you come with me Harry?" "I'm the man of this house so I must fight off intruders, hurry they're coming this way." I hurried to the closet and let a quiet sob escape my lips, 'What if he's killed and I get taken?! Please Harry stay safe!' I buried my face in my hands and cried for what felt like hours listening to thuds and grunts before the door opened, I grabbed the knife and held it in front of me, my hand trembled as I held it straight at the intruder ready to kill if needed. "Katie, darling its just me." Harry's warm arms wrapped around my cold shaking body as he closed the door behind him, "Are they g-gone?" "They walked right past our door, it will be alright darling I promise."

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