Waking up

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Katie's POV

===========flash back===========

"I'm sorry Mrs. Styles, your husband is in a coma." My knees gave out beneath me as I fell on the ground, covering my nose and mouth with my hands. "Harry..."


"Ma'am it's getting late, I think you should go home." The nurse placed her hand on my shoulder, "Can't I stay? I want to stay with him, I want to be here when he wakes up so he won't be alone. Please, let me stay." The nurses face held sympathy and pity as she rubbed my back, "Ma'am I'm sorry but we don't have any extra blankets or pillows." "I don't need them, I'll sleep on the couch." "Ma'am I'm sorry-" "I'M STAYING WITH MY HUSBAND!" Her eyes flashed with fear and apology, "I-I'm sorry, I'll leave if you need me to." I got up off of my knees and started towards the door, "No ma'am I'll see if I can find you a blanket and pillow, Mr. Styles should be fine in two or three days. I'll be right back." She smiled at me with tears in her eyes, 'I hope I didn't make her cry...' I stroked Harry's cheek gently, "Please wake up Harry, I need you." Then an idea popped into my head, "Harry if you can hear me, would you squeeze my hand? Please I need to know that you're alive." I put my hand in his waiting for a response, I got nothing. Tears filled my eyes as I laid my head on his slightly rising chest, "Please..." My hand was still in his large non moving one, the beeping of Harry's heart machine and the thunder outside was the only sound being heard. "Ma'am I found you a blanket, but I couldn't find a pillow. I'm sorry." I wiped the tears from my cheeks and looked at her, "It's fine, thank you." My voice cracked and I forced a smile on my face, "Would you like me to bring you some pjs? I'd be glad to share." The blonde nurse gave me a slight smile, "My name is Shannon by the way." "Katie."

(A/n: Just so you're not all confused and stuff, they came back from the dead with no memory of their past lives. So I'm going to re-unite them.)

I shook hands with Shannon before she walked out of the room, I turned back to Harry with a teary gaze. I could barely even see the rise and fall of his chest as his shallow breaths exited his lungs, I got back on my knees laying my head on his arm. "You've got to wake up Harry, you've just to." I felt his bicep move beneath me as his hand was placed on my head, "Katie... I'm sorry I failed you." His hoarse voice croaked, "Oh Harry! You're alive! I'm so happy, I could never be angry with you, I love you so much!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest, "But I let them hurt you... I-" "They didn't hurt me, all they did was yank on my hair but they're in prison Harry, and you haven't left me. Harry that is all that matters to me right now, I was so frightened you wouldn't wake up and I would be all alone in New York!" I sobbed tears of happiness and relief while Harry's shaky hand stroked my cheek wiping my tears away, "I would never leave you darling, I promise." He kissed the top of my head, his body moved and my head snapped up, "Baby don't try to move yet! Let me go find the nurse, she'll know what to do, I'll go get-" Harry's hand wrapped around my wrist as I got up and tugged a little bit, making me lose my balance and stumbling onto the bedside. His soft pink lips landed on mine, my eyes widened in surprise before slowly closing. I moved my lips with his in a sweet but desperate kiss, I've missed this feeling I get, the feeling that I've longed to feel over the past week, the feeling of those butterflies in my stomach. I want to feel his arms around me as we sat on the couch of our new home, he's never even slept in our new bed, he hasn't had the chance and its all because of those stupid thugs who destroyed our beautiful home.

His lips left mine and he leaned his forehead to mine, looking straight into my brown eyes, "I've missed you." I smiled, "I've missed you too Harry, so much." He pushed my lips back to his, his hand pushed on the back of my head bringing me closer to him. I put my hands on either side of him so I could keep my balance, Harry quickly pulled away leaving me confused. "I'm back and I brought you a pillow and some pajamas Mrs. Styles-" Her eyes grew wide as she saw Harry with his eyes open, her smile grew with mine as I held Harry's hand, "When did he wake up?" "A few minutes ago, I was about to get you but he held my hand and I couldn't bring myself to leave him." She smiled at us before setting the pjs and pillow on the couch, "I'm going to get the doctor." Her heels clicked as she walked down the hallway and into an office, "Katie?" "Mmm?" "We never finished what we started." "Harry as much as I would love to kiss you again I can't Shannon could be back with the doctor any minute now. Maybe later." I winked at him and drew circles on the back of his hand, "Right in here sir." Shannon and the doctor walked into the room with clipboards and pencils, "So Mr. Styles, on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is the pain?" "Maybe a 4." "Are you dizzy?" "No sir." Shannon scribbled on her clipboard as the two men talked, "And are you feeling weak?" "Very much so, sir." The doctor nodded to Shannon and she hurried to a different room, "My assistant left to get you some medicine, it will help with the weakness and any pain you feel but it will make you a little bit crazy, just a fair warning." Harry nodded as the doctor walked out of the room while Shannon came in, "Mrs. Styles please make sure he takes two pills every four hours and they will make him a bit loopy, also make sure he has no carbonated drinks, no straws, and he may only eat an hour after he takes the pills. They must be taken on an empty stomach." She handed Harry a glass of ice water and two red and green pills, "I'll be be back in 3 hours to check on you sir, sleep well." I waved goodbye and looked at the clock, 11:38. She is going to stay o that late just to check on my bed ridden husband? "I'll be right back Harry." I hurried out of the room and caught her in the hallway, "Shannon!" "Yes?" "Let me keep an eye on Harry, I took a nurses course in college so I know all of the possible signs of something going wrong. You go get some sleep." She smiled at me before she continued walking, "I won't be able to get sleep, I've got other patients in need of attention in this late hour. So you get some rest, I'll be fine I do this every night." She waved me off as she went into the nurses office, I sighed and walked back into Harry's room, "When will I get to go home?" I have him a small smile, "I don't know Harry, but I'm not leaving until you do."

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