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Katie's POV

I can't believe everything is back to normal, well, almost back to normal. My best friend still hasn't regained her memory and Harry doubts she ever will, he says Liam was always aware of their past just like he was but hadn't found a way for Shannon to remember.

She only remembers being my nurse four years ago when the twins were born.

We're meeting up today at the mall to shop and get lunch, ring ring, ring ring, ring rin-


"Hey it's me, I'm about to head out so I'll meet you there in... ten minutes?"

"Yeah that sounds good, see you in a bit."

"Okay, bye."

I rushed into Harry and I's master bedroom and walked into the bathroom, pulling my eye make-up out and applied it to my face. I pulled my soft pink tank top out of my closet and threw it on along with my ripped skinny jeans and pink converse, braiding my hair lazily and getting into the car to go to the mall.

I jammed to my music as I drove down the highway, bobbing my head up and down to the beat, just happy to have survived that Horrible Day. The image of being in the Realm of the Demons and Harry falling on the ground with blood falling from a gash in his throat Haunted my sleep, woke me up with sweat beading at my hairline, but then I just thought, We survived that.

I was able to fall asleep again, but only for a short while.

I sighed looking at the picture of Harry and I on our wedding day, wishing he could be here with me again. I think I've got a slight obsession with my husband but hey, he is my husband so its okay to have an obsession right? Right.

I pulled into the mall parking lot, shooting a text to the babysitter, asking if the kids were alright. Once she replied I smiled and got out of the car, walking into the giant building, "Hi!"


I skipped over to Shannon and gave her a hug, which she awkwardly returned and when I pulled away we decided to go into, "Forever 21". "So, how are the twins?"

I smiled and looked at her, "They're doing great, little blasts of energy that cause backaches, but they're a lot of fun. I love them so much."

"That's good, and Harry?"

"He's doing well I hope, he's in Afghanistan at the moment."

She frowned slightly and looked at me with sad blue eyes, "I bet you miss him."

"Oh yeah, like nobody would believe."

We walked silently for a few moments before I spotted an outfit that I immediately fell in love with, "Oh lets look over there! I just love that outfit!"

The pink tank top was covered with an olive green Cami jacket with a cropped middle and elbow-length sleeves. The bottom was a floral print pink skirt with greens leggings, and combat boots. A rusty-looking golden chain hung around the mannequin's neck and at the bottom of it was a string of beautiful brown and green beads, "Look at you. I'm going to try this on."

I grabbed the hanger for the shirt, jacket and found the other articles of clothing and accessories and ran into the changing stall. After stripping and putting the new clothes onto my body, I turned and looked into the mirror, frowning when the outfit didn't look as good on me as it did on the mannequin.

I changed back into my clothes and walked out in the main part of the store, "This isn't gonna work." Shannon looked up and gave me a questioning look, "You didn't even let me see-oomf!" My eyes widened as clammy hands covered my mouth and waist, "We got 'em!" "Let's get back."

"No!" I lurched forward trying to escape the persons iron grip. The man who held my best friend had already left, leaving the other to wrangle with me.

I screamed into the mans hand, looking around the store for some kind of living creature. But everyone seemed to have vanished. I was alone with some man, probably one of Sean's goonies, in a store. He struggled with controlling my movement and when he'd had enough, "Alright, time for the princess to go to sleep." He swung a heavy fist at my jaw,

and my world faded to black.


Shannon's POV:

Where am I? A few minutes ago I was in the mall and now I'm tied to a chair in a black room. "Shannon?" "Katie? Katie is that you? H-how did we get here, when can we go home!?"

Tears stung my eyes.

"I don't know. But we'll get out, I think I know who's behind this."

"W-who?" I heard a sigh in the darkness, "He's-" A mans deep voice interrupted her, "Handsome, strong, amazing. And pissed off." That voice. . . No it can't be!

"Well well Kathryn, you've done an amazing job keeping my identity hidden from her. And even better keeping yourself out of my grasp, congratulations. But now I've got you in my territory. And there's no way either of you are getting away this time."



Hey guys sorry for the short update.

The question of the day is are you going to a 1d/5sos concert this/next year? I am thanks to _1dfanfictionss (aka: Katie.) there's only 14 days left!!!!!!!

Btw go read her newest story, "Summer Camp" please and thank you!



Fan if you wish!

- OtakuGirlyy😘

The Demon Within IIITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon