The Change.

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(I'm sorry I had to use that picture it was perfect I'm so sorry.)

Katie's POV:

"Mm..." I moaned as the sun burned through the window. The warmth of the sheets that wrapped around my legs brought me such comfort.
I just wanted to melt back into the void of sleep and stay there forever.

Something stirred behind me, releasing a low groan as it wrapped its arms around my waist.
I sighed in content and smiled, slowly closing my eyes again.

Harry buried his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath fanning out across my skin in a warm puff.
"You hungry, yet?" I murmured while twisting my neck slightly to get a better look at him.

Harry shook his head and tightened his grip on my waist.

It's been eleven years since Harry was released from the military, and everything since then has been surprisingly peaceful. (Let's say that makes the twins around 17-ish. Idrk math isn't my best subject. Just go with it.)
It was nice having him around all the time, again, and I really missed the feeling of his presence around me whenever I fell asleep.

    But I had it all back, now.
I smiled and let out a content breath breeze through my lips.

  "Mom?" Nathan walked into our room with an uneasy look about him.
I waved him over to bed and smiled as he leaned over the mattress' edge.
"Good morning, Nathan. Is your sister awake?"
He nodded.
"But she says she doesn't feel like going to school today. I don't know what's wrong with her."
I pushed myself up on my elbows and furrowed my brow.

"Well go on and get to the bus stop. I'll go talk to her." He smiled when I patted his cheek and nodded, walking away to get dressed for school.

I forced myself out of the warm, comfy feel of the bedsheets on my bed and padded down the hall to Natalie's room. The door was cracked open a tad, so I knocked.

"Nat? Can I come in?" I asked. There was no reply. With even more confusion and worry I pushed the door open and scanned the room.

I couldn't see her anywhere.

With a sigh, I focused my ears on any noise within a few yards of the perimeter of her room and listened.

There. In the direction of her bathroom was the strongest sound of sniffles.
"Natalie," I started as I walked in. "what's going on? Nathan says you don't want to go to school today."
As I looked closer I could see what a mess she was. Her chestnut hair was matted together and plastered to her cheeks, using the tears she was crying as glue, and her green eyes glistened.


"Mom, what's happening to me? Everything is so... so bright. I can hear Emily drying her hair, and she lives down the street! What is happening?"
She cried as she turned to face me.

My eyes widened.

Her eyes.

"Harry, can you here a moment?" I called.
"What do you need?"
He asked when he reached us. I pointed at our daughter with a trembling hand.

His eyes darkened.

"Daddy, what's going on? I can see things and hear things, and I can even smell things, that aren't anywhere close to our house. Am I sick?"

"Harry, this isn't supposed to be happening. Why are her eyes golden?"

I asked.

"I don't believe it." Harry muttered, hurriedly walking in front of Natalie and studying her new features.

"Say 'ah' for me, sweetheart." Natalie complied and opened her mouth, revealing sharpened Canines, but not vampire-sharp like they should have been.

"This is..."
"Harry, those are the same teeth—"

"What the hell is going on, here?"
Natalie wrapped her arms around herself and released a trembling breath.
   "I'm scared. I'm so scared, mom."
She sobbed.
  "What's happening to my body?"

I gently placed a hand on her shoulder and looked her straight in the eye.
"Listen to me, Natalie, and be honest. Have you ever let a man into your room while we were away? Has anyone ever touched you?"

Harry frowned at my questions but looked at the shaking girl all the same.
Natalie's eyes widened and she shook her head furiously.

"N-no! Not that I can remember, anyway. But what that have to do with this?!" She cried while gesturing to her fangs.
"You guys clearly know something about what's happening to me. Tell me, please. Stop leaving me in the dark!"

Her nose wrinkled in anger and horror chilled me to the bone at her newest feature.

Two brown ears popped out of her head along with a fluffy tail on her backside.

  "What the hell is happening to me, mom?! Tell me!"
"Oh my gods, Harry what is going on?"
He shook his head slowly in disbelief, apparently shell shocked at the sight before him.

He started.
"Daddy, please..." Natalie cried. "Help me."

"She must have been..."

    My heart felt ready to burst with disbelief. Then, it hit me.

"There's only one explanation for this," Harry murmured darkly. I nodded, eyes still wide as the moon.
"Yes. I think we're on the same page, Harry."

    The sound of the school bus puffing away rang through my ears, reassuring me that Nathan was out of earshot.

Natalie had since curled on the floor and buried her face in her knees. She was sobbing in terror, confusion.
  I was lost. I had no idea what I could do for her.
Harry looked at me with anger being clear in his blood red eyes.

"It's that bastard Sean. He did this to her."
I nodded.

"Yes. It has to be."

A low chuckle rolled through my ears and a very familiar voice echoed in my head.

I hope you like your little surprise, Kathryn. I worked so hard on her.


Katie made me write this one all by myself she's such a meanie. (`∧')
Anyhow, hello friends. I have returned.
(waits for fake applause to stop)

Thank you, thank you. I've missed you all sooooo so much, I'm so glad to be back! Sorry for the short update, too. It's really really late and I'm getting sleepy.

Enjoy this little tidbit by the way. ;P

Fan if you wish!
Bye bye!

- OtakuGirlyy💕

The Demon Within IIIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora