Deeds of the wicked.

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Katie's POV:

Raising my eye brow I glared at Harry, waiting for my 'explanation'. As I glared into his eyes I felt my heart fluttering against my rib cage.

"I was making a deal."

"A what?"

"A deal. With- with Siana. She promised to leave you and the children alone, if I, well. . .
you know."

He licked his lips, turning his head away from me. "I didn't want you to find out this way. Honest, I was just trying to protect you.
She said that if I made a deal with her Sean would leave you alone, and you would be safe while I'm gone."

"Why should I believe that?"

"Because! They're planning something wicked. Would I ever lie to you?"
He asked. His body wrapped around mine and he placed sweet kisses on my jaw.
The sensation made my stomach flutter, but I forced myself to stay quiet with a stern face.

"Siana is just a lowly demon, she can't keep Sean away from us by herself. She lied."
I put my hand on the car handle trying to get out to get the kids in time for the second take off. "Katie, she's the queen of hell."

"So, what?"

"So, she can do it."

"No! She was lying- she's still lying. She's a demon, Harry."

"And demons have to fulfill their promises, she can't back out of it unless the king helps her out." By this point, he had my hand cupped in his. His eyes were bright with hope.
"Harry-" I sighed.
"She can save you!"

"No, she can't! I can't believe that you even trust her, Harry!"
I yelled, grabbing the door handle. I am so tired of yelling, and screaming. And I don't think I could spend another night crying.

I might just break.

"Talk to me when you're sane, Harry." This time, I successfully opened the door and grabbed the twins free hands. I started walking into the airport, when, "I love you!" That made me stop.
My lip trembled, but my heart was drumming. I glanced back behind me, seeing Harry getting out of the car. "Come on kids."

Natalie looked behind us at Harry and pulled her hand out of mine, "No! I want to see daddy!"
"Me too! I haven't seen him since two days ago!" Nathan agreed, yanking his own hand out of my grip. "Guys-" They ran to Harry who kneeled down to their height and wrapped them in his muscly arms.

"Stop that right now! We have a flight to get on in ten minutes, get over here now!"

Natalie had tears building in her eyes, while Nathan sat on the ground and pouted. "Nathan, stand up please."


Harry smiled slightly and looked at me with hopeful eyes, "See? They need both of us, love. Not just one." He took my hand and got on one knee.


I ask warily, as his hand reached into his pocket.
"I know you probably won't accept this. But, I'll take my chances." He gulped, as if swallowing his tears. His hand came out of his pocket with my wedding ring in his fingers, "I love you, Katie. Will you please," His eyes closed and he took a deep breath, "I need you, please, to accept this ring and cancel your flight to America."

"Aw, that reminds me of when you proposed John." A middle aged lady cooed while hugging her husbands arm.

"How cute."

"I do hope she accepts!"

"They'll have an adorable family."

I looked around at our spectators, all cooing and holding their lovers close. The burn of their eyes and the pressure in air made it difficult to breathe, I have to decline, but all of these couples cuddling up on one another pulled at my heart strings. My eyes blurred, and I swallowed, "I. . . I c-can't. I can't Harry. Come on darlings. We have a flight to catch." My heart shattered. As did Harrys. I could see it in his eyes how heartbroken he was, tears fell down my cheeks as the twins hugged Harry goodbye and shuffled along behind me.

"M-mommy. . . I m-miss daddy." Nathan cried.

"I do too, baby. But we can't be around someone with bad intentions like him."

I blinked the tears in my eyes away and continued to walk towards the plane tunnel.
We boarded the plane, me getting disappointed and nasty looks from the couples who saw that scene earlier. I shook them off and leaned my head back against the seat.

"Try to sleep, guys. It's getting late."

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