Dreaming of You.

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Katie's POV:

"H-Harry I don't. . ." I gasped as his lips sucked harshly on my neck, "Don't what baby girl?" My voice caught as soon as his plump pink lips found mine. Our once sweet kiss was now a rough and tumble make out session, as my back was guided to the wall with Harry's help.
I rested my palms on the nape of his neck and fiddled with the brown strands I felt, my breath was heavy as he hadn't given me much of a breather since this started. My eyes closed as I breathed his name out over and over again, "Harry, stop. I need to clean the house before the guests come over- ah!" I bit my lip as his fangs sunk into the flesh in the crook of my neck, "But we're just getting started." A smirk graced his lips and he gazed into my eyes with my blood trickling down the corner of his lips, "But -"
"But nothing. You're staying right here and that's final."
Almost immediately he began sucking on my neck once again, and I felt my knees go slack. My eyes closed and I felt a moan slip out of my lips, "You like that baby?" I bit my lip and gave a little nod, "B-but I need to get ready, this is a job interview and -"

"Katie! Katie wake up, we need to get out of here!"

". . .What?"

My eyes opened, greeted with the sight I Shannon's worried face. "Where are we?"
"Still in Sean's place. This weird fog came out of nowhere and we accidentally inhaled it, but you must've been having a pretty good dream. With all those sighs and junk that were coming out of your mouth." She smirked, "Was Harry in it?" I blushed and stood up with the help of her out stretched hand, "Maybe."

She hummed with a quirked eyebrow and turned around to look for another door, or possibly another opening.
"Man this place is like a labyrinth."
I nodded and looked left and right, making sure no one was headed our way. "Well lets try to figure it out, I've had enough of this place for a hundred lifetimes." She agreed and we decided to split up to look for a way out. I walked down a long corridor, running my hands along the wall, pushing on a brick here and there. Just to check for secret entrances. Hey, this is a hide out. You never know what you might find in the walls.




After half an hour of feeling the walls of the dark hallway, I heard shuffles and a voice screaming to let go.
"Shannon? Is that you?" I turned round to check for my friend but instead came face to face with a snake-like mythological creature, "Where do you think you're going, Sweetheart?" It hissed, forked tongue darting out of its mouth.

Shoot! My eyes widened and I took off down the hallway, the lights had been cut off a while ago so I was running blind. My foot caught the back of my ankle causing me to stumble and fall. I cursed and sat up, pushing my hair out of my face.

The corridor is pretty quiet. . . I thought to myself.
Thinking I lost him, I stood up and began walking cautiously. "Gotcha!" I squeaked in disgust as a snake like tongue flit against my ear, muscular scaly arms caught my waist and immediately began dragging me back to the cell we had worked to escape from.I screamed and slammed my fists down on the creatures arm, only to wince when my hand began bleeding. "There's no point in resisting Sweetheart. These bad boys are replicated from shark DNA. Each scale on my arm had thousands of miniature swords with tranquility dipped on it, so you won't be escaping anytime soon. I suggest you give up, and come with me silently."

Then, the world went black.




"So did ya get 'er?"

"Of course! Lord Sean would have my head on the wall if I didn't! What about you?"

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