Our new home

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Katie's POV

"You should pack your stuff, we're leaving tomorrow evening." Harry told me, "Alright." I hugged him before running up to our room, I got all of my clothes and put them in my suitcase, forcing it to close and lugged it down stairs. "I'm ready." I sat on the couch next to Harry as we watched TV, he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close, kissing the top of my head. "What did you have to do to get that promotion?" "I just worked non-stop and Mr. Ross trusted me enough to give the business to me." I nodded, "It was worth it." I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep in Harry's arms.

"Katie, wake up baby we have to go. The plane leaves in an hour!" Harry shook me awake and we hurried out the door, I don't care if my hair was I mess, I didn't have time to fix it! We got in the car and Harry sped down the highway, "Harry slow down! We're going to crash!" He didn't listen to me, "Harry!" Some how we made it to the airport alive and bustled inside, "Flight 301 has departure in 45 minutes, make sure you go through the security check, and have a nice flight." The intercom lady informed us on our flight time and we hurried to security, the line wasn't too bad. "Let's go!" Harry took my free hand and dragged me to the security line, "Please ma'am, step through the metal detector without your shoes and make sure to get your luggage and have a nice flight." The man gave me my instructions and I waited at the end of the line for Harry, 'Beep, beep, beep, beep.' Security guards swarmed through the line trying I get to the metal detector, the crowd parted and I and I saw that Harry had set it off, "He had a knife in his pocket!" "Harry!" The guards were about to cuff him but I stepped in, "Sir I promise you, he only uses that for protection. He wouldn't hurt a fly, and he's got a very important flight to catch so, Good bye!" I grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him to the tunnel, "What the heck Harry?! Why did you have a knife in your pocket?!" I whisper/yelled at him as we got on the plane, "I'm sorry, I thought I had taken it out I my pocket before I left this morning." I rolled my eyes and sat in the seat next to the window, "Katie?" I turned my head which made my lips collide with his, I closed my eyes and moved my mouth in sync. "Get a room!" A grumpy woman across the isle from us yelled, "I'm sorry ma'am it was an accident I swear. Prick." I whispered the last part so she wouldn't hear, I heard Harry chuckle beside me and I giggled with him. You know what? Forget grumpy old ladies, I pushed my lips onto Harry's and ran my fingers through his hair. His chest vibrated as he laughed but he pulled me closer to him, the lady scoffed and growled, "Rotten kids." Before I pulled away, "You showed her huh babe?" Harry smirked at me and I blushed, "Heck yeah I did, lousy old prune."

He grabbed my hand, "I love you." "I love you too Harry." I laid my head on his shoulder feeling my eyelids start to droop, I fought the sleepiness as long as I could until Harry's large hand stroked my hair, "Go to sleep baby, I'll wake you when we land." He kissed my forehead and laid his head on mine whilst stroking my arm softly, and I slowly gave into my bodies desire.


My heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst out of my chest at any given moment, I ran until my muscles burned and my chest ached for air. Something was chasing me, I don't know what but it had an evil aura about it. Does it want to kill me? I may never know, 'snap!' I gasped and pushed my legs to their limit running as fast as I could. "Oh Katie, Katie, Katie, you've no idea who I am or how much I've missed you dear." I turned my head, my eyes meeting very familiar blue ones, the man had blonde hair, "Don't tell me you've forgotten all of our special memories baby." I stopped running as he did and looked him up and down, it took me a while before I realized who this man was, "S-Sean?"


Hands on my shoulders woke me from my dream, "Katie we're here, wake up darling." I groggily opened my eyes, immediately blinded by the sunlight shining through the window, "How long was I out?" "About 5 hours, I was lonely the whole flight." Harry sniffled as he wiped a non existent tear from his eyes, "Oh Harry bae I'm sorry! I shouldn't have rested even after you told me to." I laughed and smacked his arm, "Get your stuff ready, we're about to land." I picked all of my carry on baggage off the ground and held it in my lap, "Ladies and gentlemen we are due to land in 5 minutes, have a nice day and thank you for flying with us." The captains voice rang over the intercom as the plane started down the runway, when it came to a complete halt they set the tunnel up and everyone exited the plane.

"So where is this penthouse we're living in now?" "It shouldn't be far, we'll take a cab yeah?" I nodded and juggled my luggage out of the airport, Harry waited until a yellow taxi came by, "Need a ride?" "If you wouldn't mind sir yes we do." He pointed his thumb back wards, "Go on in, where ya headed?" "Here." Harry handed him a slip of paper with the address of the penthouse, "Here we go." The driver grasped the steering wheel and pulled out of the parking lot, onto a busy road, "This may take a while, traffic is awful this time a day." "That's fine." I smiled at him though I knew he couldn't see me before laying my head on Harry's shoulder, his hand held mine as we waited in the mass of cars in the road. About an hour later we pulled up to the massive building, I thanked the driver while Harry gave him the money and we got our bags out of the trunk. Harry held my free hand as we walked into the main lobby, the room was huge with a giant crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, "Hello Sir are you the new residents under the name of Styles?" A lady in a suit and I blue tooth in her ear asked us without taking her eyes off the computer screen, "Yes ma'am, may we have our keys please?" Her eyes were still glued to the screen as she handed us our room key, "Have a nice day and welcome to New York." We nodded our thanks and walked to the elevator, 'Ding!' the doors opened and we stepped inside, the elevator was almost as big as our entire house was, well our old house.

We got to the 30th floor and walked down the red carpeted hall until we reached room number 205, "Are you ready to see our new home?" I took a deep breath before giving a simple yet confident nod, "Let's go."

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