The twins.

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(A/n: Btw I changed the girls name from Natasha to Natalie bc I thought it would be cute to have a big Natalie and a little Natalie I mean come on, like AWWW. <3)

Katie's POV

**********one month later**********

"Uh Harry?" "Yeah babe?" I flinched, "Do you think, ow! You could drive me to the hospital?!" The end of my sentence ended in a pained gasp as a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, "Why- Oh my fudge it's time isn't it?! Okay, uh just breathe, yeah breathe! In out in out, urm... Okay you can do this-" "Just shut up and get me to the hospital! Oh!" I wanted to laugh at Harry's constant rambling but the pain I was feeling was absolutely unbearable.

"Right okay, can you walk? Do I need to carry you? Oh forget it I'll carry you to the car, come on then!"

He grunted as he lifted me off of the ground and hurried towards the garage door, before opening the backseat and laying me down on my back. He started the car and rambled to himself, "Will you h-hold my hand?" He stopped rambling and grasped my hand in his all while speeding down the highway, "Harry-slow-down! You'll kill us all by the time we get there!"

I hissed as another contraction raked through my body, "Harry!"

"Breathe! Take deep breaths, in out, in out. We're almost there I promise!"

Another gasp escaped my lips as the pain returned, "I'm scared Harry, ah!"

My grip on his hand tightened and I squeezed my eyes shut, "Goodness this hurts!" My teeth gritted as Harry parked the car and picked me out of the backseat, "Someone help me, my wife is in labor!" People around the room gasped and footsteps pattered around the room, I was placed on a bed and wheeled down a long hallway that seemed to last forever.

"Where's Harry?! Where is my husband?!" "I'm right here Katie, don't worry I'll be right here the whole time." A doctor appeared at the foot of the bed I was on and started giving me instructions.

***********8 hours later*************

"Harry?" I looked over at my husband who was holding our baby girl in his arms, he looked up at me with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. "She's beautiful." His voice came out in a hushed whisper as he smiled at the little person in his arms, I looked down in my own arms at our little Nathan, he had his fathers chestnut colored hair and big strong arms.

"Look at him, I'll bet he's got your eyes Harry. He's so tiny." I laughed weakly as I peered down at the little man in my arms, "I'll take him, you get some rest."

"But-" "Katie you just spent 8 hours in labor, I think you need some sleep. I can take them until the nurses come back." He kissed my forehead and took Nathan from my arms, "Can I hold her first?" My shaky voice pleaded with Harry as he turned to sit down on the couch, "Here." He smiled at me and handed Natalie over to me, tears filled my eyes as I stared at the little girl I currently held, "She really is beautiful."

A new day to mark in my calendar, September 16th, 2013. The birthday of my children, "Harry?"


A smile overtook his features as he stared down at Nathan, a proud glint shone in his eye, "What do you think?" He looked up with a smile still etched on his face, "They're perfect," he paused to look back down at the child cradled in his arms,

"Absolutely perfect." I smiled as tears started rolling down my cheeks, "Here, let me take Natalie for a while. You get some rest now." He pecked my lips as he removed to baby from my arms and sat down on the couch, cradling both babies in his arms. My eyes drooped as I turned to look at the clock on the wall, "If it's this late you should get to sleep as well, Harry."

The Demon Within IIIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant