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Katie's POV



"You're child is a..."


I squeezed Harry's hand as we waited for the nurse to tell us, Harry was squeezing my hand equally as hard.

"Hold on please." Our faces fell at the exact same time as she smirked at us and turned back to the computer, "How did we not catch this sooner?"

"Catch what?"

She answered our question with silence,

"What did you not catch?"

"Twins! Oh how exciting! One boy and one girl!"

My mouth dropped in amazement and shock as I turned to face Harry, "Twins..." I could feel his breath on my face as he smiled at me, "They seem to be doing well so far, they're both healthy and growing very well. Come your next appointment we should be at least 8 months along, so come back in three weeks."

Harry stood and shook the nurses hand while I grabbed the towel on the side of the bed and wiped the gel off of my stomach, "Thank you so much Ms. Jones, we really appreciate it." Harry put his arm around me and smiled at the nurse, "No problem, now Mrs. Styles, if you feel anything that you think is wrong I need you to call us and let us check it out. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am, thank you so so much." Ms. Jones only nodded with a smile and waved us off, "You're so welcome, now run along. I've got more patients than just you two you know."

We laughed and waved to Ms. Jones as we walked out of the office, "Well that just made this bet a bit complicated." "What?"

"Both of our guesses were right, so who won?"

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it immediately after, "I... Don't know..."

"We could split the week in half and be each others slave for our share of it."

"I don't really care at the moment, I just want to get home and take a nap."

Harry chuckled and shook his head, "It's only 11:30 in the morning, are you really that tired?"

"Yeah, waking up early isn't really my thing."

Almost as if fate wanted to prove my point a yawn escaped my mouth, "That was fake."

"Nuh uh!"

"Yuh huh!"



"It's wasn't fake!"

"Whatever floats your boat."

I giggled and shook my head as we pulled into the driveway of our home, Harry locked the doors on me as usual and walked over to my side if the car. He held his hand out for me, "M'lady."

"Harry we've been over this a thousand times." "I know I just enjoy opening the door for you because," He paused and took my hand before looking me in the eye and kissing my hand, "You are my queen."

"Getting a little cheesy now are we?"

"I thought it was romantic."

"You, sir, are always romantic. So you've got no reason to try any harder than you already are." I kissed his cheek and walked inside, Harry following closely behind.

"It's so cold out!" I shivered as the breeze from the door drifted into our heated home, "We can start a fire and watch movies before we get lunch."

"Alright, just let me get back into my pajamas real quickly."

"I'll follow you up ther-" "No you won't."

I put my hand on his chest and sat him down on the couch, I walked up the stairs with a smile on my face. "There's no need to pout about it Harry, you can help me up the stairs."

A smile immediately crept onto his face as he stood and walked to my side, "You need help... on the stairs?" "I'm getting fat I feel like I'll tip over if I go up alone."

"You are not getting fat, it's the babies that are getting big." I laughed and shook my head, "Maybe so but still, they're a part of me right now so that makes me, in a way, fat."

"I think you're the perfect size. When you aren't carrying little people inside of your stomach that is."

I smiled at him and pecked his lips when we reached the top of the stairs, "You can start the fire if you want, I won't take long."

I closed the door behind me and walked to my dresser to get my silk pajama pants before I slipped them onto my body before carefully walking down the stairs, my hand was tightly wrapped around the handle that was attached to the wall, "Here, let me help you."

Harry's arm wrapped around my waist as he carefully led me down the stairs, "Thank you Harry, I really appreciate it."

"No problem babe, now come on let's go watch a movie. I've started the fire and I set up a pillow fort right next to the fireplace, so we can cuddle."

I smiled up at him as we sat next to the fire, the movie we had randomly selected started playing. I squealed when ever the words "Pink Panther" appeared on the screen, "I love this movie!"

"I do too, I guess we were just meant to be."

"I figured that out a long time ago."

"So did I." I smiled at the TV screen while I laid in Harry's arms with my head resting on his chest, "I love you." "I love you too."

Harry leaned down and gently planted his lips on mine, "Katie, what are we going to name them?"

"That's a good question, well you name the girl and I name the boy? Those were the genders we bet on after all."


He stared at the screen for a second before he turned back to look at me, "What about Natalie?" "I like that."

"So, what about my little man in there?"

I laughed and thought for a second, "Nathan."



Hey guys, so Katie and Harry did the nasty and got two babies out of it oops. Haha this just got a bit awkward....


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