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Katie's POV

The past few months have been excruciating. I had no idea if Harry was dead or alive, and worry was eating me from the inside out, every night I would cry myself to sleep every night after I put the twins to bed.

He hadn't called or had any form of communication with me for two weeks, that scared me, a lot. I settled down to sleep on our shared bed and waited for the warmth of Harrys arms to wrap around me, still not used to the idea of him being gone,

Creak. I shot into an upright position and slowly turned my head towards to door leading into the hallway, shadows danced on the light colored walls and got closer with each breath I took.

I crept out of our bed and made my way to the door, peeking through the crack in door to see who was out there. There was a man in a crimson suit with red tinted glasses and two blonde girls wearing slutty outfits, along with two men standing behind each of the girls.

They were talking and cackling with each other, "Liana, and Siana will take the kids while King and I get the girl, this'll teach Harry a lesson." They laughed darkly before they disappeared, I blinked a couple times before shaking my head and turning towards the king sized bed.

As I sat down and snuggled into the covers I felt arms wrap around my waist, making my eyes shoot open, I turned around to see the man in the suit and scrambled out of the blankets to bolt out of the house. But an arm caught my wrist on my way out, next thing I knew I was tied to a chair in my living room with the twins sleeping next to me.

There were scratches on their faces and arms, and my eyes filled with tears; I tried to cry for help but there was a dirty rag stuck in my mouth. What did Harry do to these people?

Warm tears ran down my face and I screamed as best I could, "Oh, whats the matter princess? Are you scared?" The man with glasses smiled and held my face in his hands, making me cry harder, "You don't need to be frightened, we're just waiting for your husband to return. He should be here any time now, you know."

What is he talking about? Harry is half way across the world right now!

A few hours passed and I was beginning to worry, the twins hadn't woken up yet and I was stuck here, alone, with a maniac. I could tell the man was growing impatient, and I was getting even more frightened.

He smiled suddenly, an evil smile, and looked at me with knowledge in his eyes, "Maybe you need to be in pain for him to appear, yes that's it. So what should I do to you? Stab you? Shoot you? Oh I know. . ." He stood slowly, making his way over to the chair I was strapped in; "You're quite a jewel, you know, we should have some fun. . ."

My eye caught a glare coming from his hands and I gasped, he was holding a knife with little drops of blood on it. The metal pressed against my thigh and he smirked while adding more and more pressure, leaning in towards my lips; ripping the rag off of my mouth and making my lips connect with his.

I tried turning my head away but he forced it to stay still with one hand under my chin, while the other held the knife. I cried out when the tip punctured my skin and he slipped his tongue into my mouth, He's going to kill me! Harrys gone and we are all going to die!

Even though I knew it was impossible I started praying for Harry to show up like this guy thought he would.

All of a sudden the blade punctured my thigh and I screamed into the mans mouth, "Call out for him." He muttered against my lips, he pulled away and stared at me expectantly, "H-he can't hear me, he's in A-Afghanistan."

"Do it. You won't like the consequences that'll happen if you don't scream his name right now."

My eyes widened and I took a deep breath, preparing to call out to my husband who was so far away from me at the moment, "Harry help me! Please Harry! Help!" I screamed with my eyes closed tight, silently praying that he would appear.

When he didn't the maniac sitting in front of me growled in annoyance and said, "I suppose we'll just have to finish what we started, won't we beautiful?"

He started kissing my unmoving lips once more while playing with the waist band of my pajamas, when the door flew open and I saw Harry standing in the doorway, nostrils flaring and neck veins visible and anger clear as his body tensed, "Harry thank Go-!" I stopped abruptly when I looked into his eyes, which were

Blood red.

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