The dreams

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Katie's POV

I was laying on the couch wrapped in Harry's arms while I watched the news, Harry's soft snores were heard behind me which told me he had fallen asleep. "Police recently discovered a body in Northeast lake, the victims body had two small holes in the side of the their neck. Stab wounds were also found in their stomach, legs and arms. Could this be a psychotic mass murder? Or even crazier, do vampires really exist? Stay in your homes until further notice and stay safe, goodnight England." I rolled my eyes and changed the channel, "Vampires are not real, just a myth." Harry stirred behind me and let out a small groan, a smile crept its way on to my face as his face nuzzled into my neck.

His tired voice rang through my ears as his breath blew on the skin of my neck, "Katie, I don't wanna go to school." I bit my lip to keep a laugh from escaping my lips, there's no telling what's going on in that head of his. He pulled me closer to him and snuggled his head into my neck, a sudden wave of nausea came over me causing me to rip myself out of Harry's arms and run to the bathroom, "Babe are you alright? What's the matter?" Harry's towering frame stood in the doorway while he rubbed his eyes, he froze when he saw me leaning over the toilet bowl as I emptied my stomach. "Baby..." He walked over to the cabinet, pulling a hair band out and pulled my hair back into a ponytail, "Do you need to see a doctor?" Once I was finished I shakily stood up and shook my head, "No, no it's just morning sickness, I'm alright." He pulled me into his arms and gently rocked me back and forth, his hands rubbing circles on my back while we stood there, "Are you sure you feel alright?" "Yes, I'm just a bit tired." His arm suddenly went down to my thighs before my feet were lifted off of the ground, I snuggled my face into Harry's chest as he laid down on our bed with me securely wrapped in his arms.

My eyes drooped when a wave of sleepiness washed over me, I tried to keep them open but whenever Harry started humming, making his chest vibrate, I fell into the world of dreams.


"Come on out babe, you know I will find you some time, there is really no use in hiding anymore." My heart was thumping so loudly in my chest I was worried that strange man could hear it a mile away, the crisp night air billowed in clouds as the air left my lungs. "Aw come on baby why don't you just come back to my place? We'll have a lot of fun." His voice deepened with each word that left his mouth, a shadow fell over the frost covered ground making me tremble in fear, his footsteps got heavier as he approached my hiding spot. I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my back against the wall, bringing my bottom lip between my teeth. Tears blurred my vision, my throat closed up making it difficult to breathe, his footsteps stopped and I opened my eyes. His tall silhouette stood in front of me as the moon shone behind him, he bent down and lifted my chin with his fingers, "Found you." The tears that previously stayed in my eyes started to fall as I shook my head, "No, no, no, no please no." My breath hitched in my throat as his eyes scanned over my body, he licked his lips and cupped my face in his hands making a loud sob escape my mouth, he held my trembling body against the brick wall while running his hand along my cheek, "Shh, it'll all be over soon." He started kissing up and down my neck,

"L-let me g-go... p-please, let me go!" I squirmed in his grip, desperately trying to escape and run home, but he kept his hands planted on the wall. I looked down at the gap under his arms and quickly tried ducking under there, but he caught me once again making me scream for help, "Stop! Please let me go, I just want to go home! Please!" I struggled against him with tears running down my cheeks as I desperately yelled at him to stop, you couldn't even begin to imagine the fear I was feeling right now in this very moment.

His lips planted themselves on the skin of my neck again making me scream for help, I didn't like this feeling. His lips were cold and unfamiliar. Nothing like Harry's, I pushed against his chest as I wiggled around trying so desperately to free myself. "Harry! Harry!" Tears fell like waterfalls from my eyes and down my cheeks, my heart was beating at an unhealthy pace as my cries for help were unheard. "Someone please help me!" His hand was placed over my mouth as he leaned toward my neck once more, hot tears ran down my cheeks as I felt cold metal put pressure on my arm which made my muffled screams grow louder.

His kisses stopped as the mans mouth opened against my skin, I felt his teeth brush against the flesh on my neck. His teeth were sharper than they should be, they made me tremble in terror as I pushed back against the wall. His teeth bit into my flesh, his hand was still on my mouth muffling my screams of pain and fear. My vision began to fade after a while and I felt light headed, before my eyes closed and I collapsed in the mans arms, "Goodnight."


I gasped as my eyes flew open and I scrambled out of bed, when my feet hit the floor I fell backwards making a loud thump. Harry's head of curls peeked over the side of the bed, "Katie? What happened are you alright?" My body laid in a trembling mess on the hardwood below me, Harry climbed out of bed as he walked over to me and sat by my side. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, rubbing them in a comforting manner, "What happened baby, what's wrong?"

I realized tears were still flowing down my cheeks as I sat in Harry's lap, I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was a frightened sob. He brought me to his chest and stroked my hair while rocking back and forth, "It was just a nightmare baby, lets get back to bed." He lifted me into his arms and carried me back to our bed, "Just go back to sleep, I'll be right here."

My shaky breathing began to slow as he leaned towards me, planting his lips on mine as my eyes started closing and I fell asleep on Harry's chest.

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