Curiosity In The Woods

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As I road the carriage from my homeland to Manberg, I sat in wonder as the wind blows my hair lightly.

Today, I finally decided to visit my brother after not seeing him for four years.

He's my beloved brother, and I want to know how he's doing. Especially since he's the president of a country now.

Has he changed? I don't believe he has... He's still the same Johnathan Schlatt I've grown to know. At least from the letters that I've received.

He's told me about how he became president because of a joined vote. And how he's exiled two tyrants who lead the nation previously. He told me that their names were Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit, after their exiles they made a new 'nation' called Pogtopia and are quite possibly going to try and overthrow him at some point.
He told me basically about everyone in Manberg- Well, more like just their names. But that's pretty much all.
He also explained how they're having a festival. Which- I was invited to.

Sometimes I wonder if what he's wrote was true.

A few more miles, and I'll be there. Just a few more.

I looked over to my left to see my artic fox Snowflake sleeping on the other seat in the carriage, cuddling up next to my enchanted netherite sword that was wrapped with silks.

 A single small cut can be the deadliest. My sword has really rare enchantments. Truly one of a kind. The handle is really the only thing shown of the sword. But I guess Snowflake is laying on it because of it's coolness.

Netherite is from the nether, but it is cool to the touch when it comes over into the overworld.

As the thought of the cold entered my mind, I ended up drifting off into a slumber. Which shortly after, I awake from upon a semi-loud explosion.

I looked outside the window of my carriage to see a newly made hole in the ground in the forest, slowly clearing with dust.
I swore I just saw something drop.

"Hey Remi..! Stop here..!" I called out to my horse pulling the carriage

Upon my words, the carriage slowly took it's stop. I softly wake up Snowflake so I could grab my sword and I headed out of the carriage to investigate.

It was dusk right now. Monsters will be coming out soon. Or- they already are...

Every step I took allowed me to grow nearer to the hole. Snowflake was following my lead behind me, staying close.
And as soon as we made it over to the hole, I saw... a male laying unconscious on the ground.

He had brown hair, a really odd and questionable hoodie with various colors ranging from purple, blue, magenta and red, black genes and purple sneakers were also thrown into the dress code.

"...What do you think Snowflake?" I questioned, still eyeing up the unconscious man

Snowflake jumped down the hole and was attempting to pick the male up in his mouth.

It seems like I can trust him if Snowflake trusts him...

I followed suit to Snowflake, picking up the male and managing to carry him back to the carriage. Once we got back to the carriage, I managed to move my sword before I set him down on the seat across from me where Snowflake once was.
I then placed my sword on my seat, leaning it up against the carriage's wall. After doing so, I looked back at the male.

Hmm... I wonder where he's from. There are no villages, cities or even kingdoms for miles... Is he just a normal adventurer? He's not dressed for it... but then again, looks can be deceiving...

Snowflake's paw taps onto my arm and I turn to see him holding our bag with our medical supplies in it.

I smiled and took the bag from Snowflakes mouth and opened it, taking out a few ointments and bandages and then I began proceeding to walk over to the male to treat his scratches.

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