An Unwanted Visitor

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I didn't expect it to be so rowdy first thing in the morning.

Ever since Techno told me about Tommy living in a basement that's underneath our... basement? He's been quite the noise maker.

Honestly, I didn't have much of a problem with Tommy, he was quite entertaining to talk to and he'd made things more lively around here... 

...But the amount of commotion he makes can be harsh on everyone's sleep.
More so mine than Techno's.

One night, I remember trying to sleep, but Tommy was just boasting about women to Techno.
I don't know why he'd be talking about woman with Techno out of all people, but he was. And that conversation went on for hours-- well... It was more like a one sided conversation... Techno was just listening to Tommy and occasionally would tell Tommy to 'pipe down', but he'd never listen.
Then, it went onto a full on chase and I ended up staying up all night and just re-reading the L'manberg independence book about six times over.... I practically have it memorized now... I can probably recite all of the words on every page from memory.

 With that sad little memory I remembered, I decided to sit up from my bed, since I knew I wouldn't be able to catch a few extra z's.
Getting out of bed, I headed down to see what was happening with the two males.

But... When I got downstairs... I saw a visible Technoblade and an invisible person-- who was most likely Tommy-- wearing netherite armor while running around like he's playing a game of tag.

"Oh my god- Tommy. If you get caught, this is on you" Techno mutters "Get and stay in your box Tommy"

"Okay- fineee..." Tommy says, removing his armor and seemingly making his way into the box by the brewing stands "There, you won't even know I'm here"

"What's going on?" I asked, confused

"Y/N! Y/N!! Can you believe this guy? Making me hide in a box..!!" Tommy exclaims

Techno closes the box and turns to face me.
"Dream's coming over and if he see's Tommy here then he'll have him killed"

I sighed at this.

Seriously... What's with the people in this region and concluding that murder and bloodshed is the only solution...

Tommy forces the box back open.
"Don't do that...!"

"Well- you have to close the box!!" Techno says

"Well I need to see!!-- Look, I'll close it when I deem it necessary" Tommy muttered

And though I couldn't see any of Tommy's actions, I can only imagine that he's crossing his arms while he said that.

Techno continues to look out the window, awaiting for Dream's arrival.

"...Tommy, why does Dream want you dead anyway?" I ask

"I... I was exiled again. But, not just from L'manberg, from everywhere... He said if I came anywhere near anyone, then I'd be dead... And now... He's trying to hunt me down and kill me..." Tommy briefly explained

It really shows how much of a monster Dream really is.
He's exiling Tommy, a child from any parental care. I'm very much sure Tommy can handle himself, but still... It's horrible that Dream would just allow him to be alone...
I'm sure Tommy had his reasons for coming here out of all places... I'm sure that he was deprived of talking to people... Being exiled from everyone and everything you grew up to know would do that to a person.

Even I wasn't able to be sheltered at home all alone for as long as I did. Letters and notes were the only form of communication I had with any other living being... Other than Remi and Snowflake that is...

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