I'm A Person

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"Techno!!! Why did you have to do this???" I heard Tommy's voice shout over the TNT explosion's and wither explosions 

Me and Techno both turned to look to the blonde boy who just made it out of the gaping hole in the ground.

"The thing about the discs, Technoblade-- Is that they were for me!! Think about the discs, Technoblade!" Tommy shouted

"I don't care about the discs, Tommy!!" Techno shouted back "I told you this from the start, Tommy! The government has to go!"

"Technoblade! YOU ARE SELFISH!!" Tommy yelled

"SELFISH!? You've used me from the start Tommy!!!" Techno stated

"Technoblade- You said WE betrayed you!? You're saying that we're the ones that betrayed you!?" Tommy said, totally in disbelief

"You betrayed me- like- twelve times!!!" Techno exclaims

"Look at me. Look at me, right now." Tommy states

The two of them stared at eachother for a while.

But then, Tommy curled his hands into fists.
"You say that you hate governments, you said that we were the ones that betrayed you. But you're the one who shot at Tubbo when Jschlatt told you too!! You're the one that betrayed us!!"

"I was peer pressured!!" Techno says "You literally betrayed me yesterday!! You used me as a weapon! You've never thought of me as a friend Tommy! You've just used me from the start! You just saw me as: The Blade. That's all I was to you!!!"

Techno then pulled out his crossbow, loading it up with a few fireworks.

"Now guess what?" Techno says "..I'm choosing what I fight for now. And I'm going to destroy the government Tommy!!"

Techno then shoots the fireworks at Tommy.
Tommy was barely able to dodge them with his injuries, and he seemed to be growing more and more weaker by the minute.

"Techno!! Look at me!!" Tommy called out

Techno stops shooting fireworks at Tommy, awaiting for him to speak.

"You were my friend!" Tommy says

"Tommy...." Techno began to say "...You never thought of me as a friend"

And Techno continued to fire shots at him.


"I listened to you for weeks!! And what did you do?? You went back to Tubbo- the one who exiled you!! The one who chose his country over you."


"I'M A PERSON, TOMMY" Techno states, gripping the crossbow in his hands tighter "DISCS AREN'T PEOPLE, TOMMY!"

"All of these problems are because of your government. Your government has caused all of these issues. I believe in freedom, Tommy"

"When you were peer pressured, that's not freedom." Tommy said "That was you following the government."

"Tommy that was- like- four months ago--"


"He's president..!" Techno said

"You shot him... Even when he wasn't president..." Tommy scowled

"Yeah, that's true" Techno shrugged it off

"You're as bad as the government, Technoblade" Tommy uttered

"...Do you remember? When I was sitting there alone? Against the whole government? And you and Wilbur just sat on the side lines and watch?? Did you step in? Where you guys the ones who stepped in and said-- 'don't worry Technoblade. We know you're in a high pressure situation, but we will fight the world for you Technoblade.'-- NO! You guys watched!!" Techno remaks "You know what I did? Yesterday? When you were surrounded by thirty people?-- when the whole world was against you?? I walked in. I was willing to fight them all for you, Tommy. I would of been there...."

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