What happen..?

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{Your POV}
(Yes. POV jumps..!!!)

He was still hugging me, not letting me go at all...

...Why was he holding on so tight?
...Why does his face look so distressed?
...Were his eyes red and puffy?

"Techno...." I said quietly

No response. But, I continued to talk anyways.

"What happen Techno...? How did I get here...?" I asked

It was silent for a few moments, but then Techno distanced himself from me, finally speaking up.


{Flashback: Earlier when Y/N was stabbed by Ranboo}
{Techno's POV}

I as very annoyed with what Tommy was saying.

He really didn't get anything I said to him. He doesn't understand what I've said to him.
Children are children, and they always will be.

I continued to shoot my fireworks at the screaming child, not caring about anything he's saying anymore.

I was so focused, I didn't pay any attention to anything else around me.

That was until, I felt a thud beneath my feet from behind me.

My head shot around to see what it was...
...and I saw Y/N laying on the ground with a netherite sword stabbed through her.
...Ranboo was crouched down beside her, sobbing as quiet and as soft as he possibly could.

In that moment, I felt like my heart stopped.
Everything around me felt like it just stopped simultaneously.
All movement, sound, color.... it all seem to be unattainable to my senses.


I dropped my crossbow that was in my hands.

After seeing Y/N there.... I truly couldn't process anything...

Is... Is what I'm seeing really happening? Did it really just happen...?


I then dashed towards her fallen body, crouching down beside her.

She was bleeding out... Her skin was growing paler... She felt cold... The wound looked so fatal but...

"Hang in there Y/N..!!"

You can't die on me... You can't.... You...
You won't.

I lifted her up in my arms, ignoring Ranboo's protests and pleads to put her down.

This was my fault that she's like this. I didn't keep an eye on her.
So, I won't let her die. I just won't.

Taking out a ender pearl, I pearled out of the huge chunk error the TNT was making and towards the nether portal. Once the pearl landed, I saw that I still had Y/N in my arms. 

I'll get you fixed up, just hang in there a little longer...

We went through the portal, and once getting through I continued to use pearl after pearl in attempt to get us back to the Tundra as fast as possible.
When we got to the other portal, we entered through and I ended up sprinting to the cabin.

Climbing up the stairs, I used my foot to kick the door open. I then used a pearl to teleport us up to the next floor, after doing so, I walked over to the bed and laid Y/N onto her side. Then rushing over to search the chests and drawers near by, soon I was able to find a few bandages, cloths and a bucket of water was placed besides the chests.

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