A Request

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After many days of resting, Techno finally allowed me to go out of the house..!!

Me and Techno have been searching for my sword for days on end, even Philza joined in and helped aid us in the search! But, all we came to was dead ends.

That sword...

Whoever has that sword...
They'll use it for evil, that's for sure... Absolute evil...

"....I'm beginning to lose hope" I murmured

"I can see why you're like that, but you mustn't give up so easily...!" Philza says, trying to be optimistic

"Yeah... You're right..." I say "But, then again... We've been searching for days and-- we haven't found... anything...."

"We'll find something soon" Techno assures me

"I really hope so" I mutter

I actually was getting seriously worried. That sword is pretty deadly if held in the wrong hands... Not saying that I'm that much of a safer option, but the sword being in my possession would be a whole lot better than for it being in the hands of corruption. 

We all were walking back to the cabin, going through the Tundra. The air was ice cold and it was night time which somehow made everything seem so much more colder. The big bright moon was out, and the sparkling stars welcomed us from the sky, being familiar to us as always... But the welcoming was short lived as we grew nearer and nearer to the cabin.

Another complete and full day of searching gone to complete waste...

Once we finally got ourselves home, I was pretty exhausted. I made my way over to the stools and proceeded to sit myself down onto one, laying my head down on the kitchen counter. while the other two headed upstairs.

My head was in my thoughts about the war, my sword, my job I forgot to go back to... I was pretty clouded with everything....

...But all of that went in an instant at something scratching at the front door.

Curious, I stood up and walked to the door, opening it to reveal Thor and Floof on the other side, but... Floof seemed to have some sort of note in between her collar.

While Thor went inside, I crouched down to elevate myself to Floof, removing the note from her collar and opening it to see what it says.

...and the note read as followed:



You're looking for your sword, yes?

Well, I have it.

If you want to have your sword back in your possession, then you must do one thing for me.

Come to the coordinates listed below... Come right now. And don't tell Philza or Techno.


- Dream. 


...Well, no fucking surprise there.

Ranboo was the one who stabbed me after all- so of course Dream out of all people would have my sword.

ugh... Great. Now I have to go. Who knows what he would do if I decide not to...

...but, is leaving unannounced really okay?

I turned to look at Floof, stashing the note back into her collar.

"make sure Techno sees that when he comes down, kay?" I quietly tell Floof

Floof nodded excitedly, licking my cheek. I let out a little laugh at the action, petting Floof's head as she continues to be absolutely adorable. After a while though, she ran over to Thor who was laying on the floor besides the stools.

Standing up, I quickly searched what I had on me. Luckily I had some good stuff on me from when me, Philza and Techno's exploration earlier.

My armor was the same as usual, good enchantments--- more enchanted than before for even more EXTRA protection for myself....
My tools on me weren't that bad, but they would be a lot better... Well, at least I have water buckets, totems, gapples, golden carrots and pearls to spare.

Pulling out a compass I had on my person, I began to follow in the compasses direction, hoping it would lead me to where Dream resides.

Can't wait to see how this green bitch decides to manipulate me just for my sword....

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