Another Festival?

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I woke up from a slumber, the place was unusually quiet. 

I would have at least thought Tommy or Techno would be making a bit of sound... Tommy with his voice and Techno probably in the kitchen or talking to Edward....

But it was just silence.

I got out of bed and made by way downstairs to see that it was completely empty. Thor and Floof were here, playing around and whacking eachother with their paws.

"Hey, do you two know where Tommy and Techno went?" I asked the two foxes

The two stopped what they were doing and both of their heads panned up to the kitchen counter.

I walked over to it and saw a paper with a bit of writing on it, I decided to head it out loud.

"....Hey Y/N... gone to the L'manburg festival today... we'll be there for a while. Breakfast is in the oven, take it out if you get hungry. See you later... Technoblade."

With a sigh, I began getting prepared to go to L'manburg.

Nothing good comes when there's a big event in L'manburg.... or anywhere for that matter.

I grabbed a few potions, I grabbed a set of netherite and enderpearls, wile also grabbing my trusty netherite sword I never leave without.

After all of the prep work and set up was done, I headed to the nether portal.

The nether seemed more quiet than usual too. No mobs were around... at least no ghasts. And since the bridges were over pretty much an entire lava ocean, I thought there would be some... But the only mob I'd really pass by was the zombie pig men.

And they seem to be living their lives to the fullest... Walking around and vibing out in the nether, them occasionally walking off the bridges and falling into the lava...

...literally, sometimes they can be really dumb, yet horrifying in large numbers.

Once I got out of the nether and made it to L'manburg, I walked further in to see what was up.

..and I ended up coming across Dream, Quackity, Fundy, Tubbo and Ranboo all standing on the wooden paths... with no sign of Techno or Tommy.

And from what I could hear.... Everyone was shouting, yelling and screaming at Dream as he began to place obsidian down to form some sort of all...

"Dream!" Fundy shouted

"What are you doing..?!?" Quackity asked

"Oh... Tommy fucked up." Dream simply said


What on earth did Tommy do?

"What did he do??" Tubbo asked

"..You're telling me you don't know what he did?" Dream asked

"No!!" Fundy exclaimed

"What are you talking about, Dream?" Ranboo asked

"He's gone!!" Tubbo said

"You're lying to me." Dream states

"No, we're not!!" Tubbo says

"Seriously Dream, what do you mean?" Fundy asks

"Follow me." Dream says, and he begins to walk away

The further they got, I decided to pearl into trees and other terrain to hide myself.

I won't lie, I was curious to see what's happening...

I really want to know what Tommy did...

"Listen. Tommy's suppose to be exiled. He's not suppose to be around here." Dream says

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