II Drowning Girl II Hal

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Y/N= Your name
Y/H/C= Your Hair Color
Y/E/C= Your eye color
Y/L/N= Your last name

**** Hal's POV****

A call for help cut through the air. I snapped my head up in attention looking for the source of the cry. Stig copied my reaction. I spotted a log floating by in the distance, I saw a clump of a figure on it. 
"Edvin! Lydia!" I called out. The two looked at me questioning.
"What is that?" I asked pointing out the log and the figure clutching it like their life depended on it. 
"Not a "what" Hal but a who" Edvin announced. 
"Well, he needs help" Thorn grunted squinting at the figure.
"Old man your eye site needs help, it's a she" Lydia snorted. I called out oars as we approached the girl with a steady pace.  I went to the edge of the ship and called out.
"Ahoy to the person!" I said, my voice carried over as clear as crystal across the water. I heard a cough and the effort of someone trying to swim. She's too tired I thought to myself. I dove into the water surprising the crew. The water felt cold, it jolted me awake and filled me with energy. I surfaced up to see a young woman. Her body was drenched in the cold water. Her Y/H/C hair was soaked. I saw her give a last attempt to push herself forward. I grimaced wondering how she survived in the open sea for so long. I saw her slipping off into unconsciousness. I surged forward and grabbed her by the waist before she could fall into the ocean. 
"Sorry about this" I muttered before dunking her face-first into the cold water.  I felt a sharp jab at my ribs. The girl was awake and fully alert. 
"Look I'm trying to help," I told her. Her Y/E/C was filled with suspicion. 
"Who are you?" She spoke finally, her voice was low and filled with poison. 
"Hal Mikkelson" I responded grinning. For a second her cold hard expression changed into one of confusion and hope. But it disappeared as soon as it came. I began to kick toward the ship.
"I didn't catch your name," I asked casually. 
"I didn't throw it for you to catch" She responded evenly. The Heron was yards away now. I tightened my grip around her and gave one last push to get us both to safety.  A curtain of silence draped between us.
"Y/N" She spoke at last. "Y/N, Y/L/N"
"Well pleasure to meet you Y/N" I replied with a cheerful tone.
"Pleasure's all yours" She replied sarcasm dripping from each word. I tried to comment on how pleasant the weather. 
"You count being half frozen to death pleasant weather?" She grunted. 
"I'm just trying to be cheerful here" I argued. 
"Well, it's insufferable! Must you be so cheerful" She told me glaring. I was not used to this kind of treatment in a while. I was the famous Heron Brotherband skirl. But it felt refreshing. We reached the ship at last. I pulled myself over onto the deck. I was dripping wet and cold, I reached over to help Y/N. But she managed herself just fine, she hopped onto the deck. I got a good look at her now. Her face was uniquely sculpted, she had high cheekbones that framed her beautiful and deep Y/E/C  eyes. Her body was fit and well.. curved... I mentally kicked myself was looking at her like that. Stop eye raping her Hal! I thought. Her wet Y/H/C dripped cold water it draped over her shoulder. Lydia glared at Jesper who looked at her gaping. Her bra showing through her transparent wet shirt, her sheepskin covered most of her although.  But still enough for the Herons... And me... to gape at. Lydia took off her sheepskin and covered her.  
"Perverts" Lydia muttered. She guided Y/N down to change into some of Lydia's clothes. A few silent seconds passed on the deck.  Ulf or Wolf whistled. 
"She's hot" Jesper agreed. 
"No question about it" Stig replied. I remained silent looking over at the ocean. A few minutes later she came out dressed. She wore black leggings and a white polo shirt. 
"I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N" She spoke breaking the silence that descended when she appeared. 
"Well Y/N you can call me your boyfriend," Jesper said wiggling his eyebrows. Y/N raised an eyebrow in speculation. In a lightning-fast movement, she had a dagger pointed at Jesper's throat.
"Say that again and everyone would be calling you a corpse" She whispered. I couldn't help but smile at this. 
"What if I say it?" I asked her smirking. "You owe me for saving you".
"I don't owe you nothing Mikkelson" She replied with a ghost of a smile. I walked up to her and tilted my head. 
"Are you sure of that?" I asked her my grin widening. She mirrored my actions. 
"Say it and I bet you'd be in the water before the end of the sentence" She replied smirking.
"Bet," I said. 
"Bet" She confirmed. 
"Y/N you can call me-" I started, I noticed her hands shoot forward. I dodged them and wrapped my hands around her and closed the gap between us. I kissed a girl I just met. Why? I don't know it just felt right. I broke apart. 
"Your boyfriend" I finished grinning. She stood there shaking her head. 
"Your Skirl the Weirdness" She replied before walking off the talk with Lydia.

Imagines (RA, Brotherband for now)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang