The Stealer of Hearts II Liam II

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Author's Note: I'm glad that you even bothered to open this book so thank you! This one for the Rosewood_Ranger. 

II Liam's POV II

Hmm. Liam scrunched up his eyebrows in question. These missing children did not seem like a coincidence. Trelleth Fief was his fief and if kids were going missing he had to go investigate. Liam discarded his cloak and bow that marked him as a ranger. He was going to give Peter Williscroft's town a visit. Acorn snorted.

It's just one missing kid Liam. Your overreacting. 

"I'm not overreacting Acron. I'm simply following the procedures." Liam replied. He saw Boyletown on the horizon. Acorn broke into a gallop. It was a simple town. Liam opted to leave Acorn in the forest then go into the town's tavern by himself. He donned some common clothes and walked in. He looked around for a seat.

"Hullo," A pleasant feminine voice said behind him. 

"Oh hullo," Liam replied in the same easy-going tone. She had bright Y/E/C eyes that were filled with energy, but Liam could detect a wall of sadness behind them. Her Y/H/C hair was pulled into a high ponytail. She wore a Y/F/C dress that made her face shape pop. She had a halk like a nose that suited her features well. Overall she was quite pretty. Liam caught himself before he stared any longer making things awkward.

"How can I help you?" She asked still keeping her friendly tone of voice. 

"I'd like a cup of coffee" He replied to her. She walked away and something fell from her pocket. Liam noticed this and picked it up.  It showed a picture of the young woman with a boy who looked about 12. Liam's eyes widened as he recognized him. It was Peter. 

"You dropped this" Liam said when the girl came by with his cup of coffee. 

"Oh, clumsy me." The girl trailed off sorrow filling her voice. "Thank you, Ranger" She added with a hint of uncertainty. Liam snapped his head up startled. She began to make her way to the kitchen.

"Wait" He called out to her. She turned her head.

"Hm?" The girl replied. Liam looked around making sure all attention was diverted. 

"Come with me please," Liam said, giving her the stern look that his mentor gave him.

"Are you alright? your face is twisted in a rather unusual manner" The girl responded following him. Liam turned as red as his hair.  Once they rounded a corner and into an alley Liam stopped. 

"How did you know I was a Ranger?" Liam quizzed. The girl snorted.

"Rather obvious with that necklace around your neck" She responded. Liam shrugged sheepishly. 

"Can I ask what you're doing here?" The girl responded.

"I don't even know your name" Liam shot back.

"Y/N, Y/N Williscroft" She replied. Liam's face immediately softened a bit but he kept his cruel gaze. This girl was Peter's older sister. 

"You knew Peter..." Liam whispered not knowing that he spoke.

"What? What do you know about him? Where is he?" The girl quizzed a light of hope arriving in her eyes. 

"I'm Liam, and I'm assuming that you know something" Liam responded. The girl sighed and looked at him with uncertainty. Liam's eyes softened.

"You can trust me" He added helpfully.

"My brother wanted to see a man named the Storyman so I gave him a coin. He came back pale and started crying. I asked him why and he told me about something called the stealer in the night. The stealer would come and take a child away" She trailed off I understood. Her shoulders began to shake, she sobbed. 

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