II Messed Up II pixie_stick93

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Aarushi sighed and checked her phone for the fifth time.

"Sorry," a voice panted a few feet away from her. "I needed some excuse to get away from Virat and my dad,"

"You're an hour late!" She retorted and stalked off. Her boyfriend trailing behind her.

"I have a life too you know? I can't just wait for you every time we plan something." Aarushi gritted her teeth, her anger on the full force by now. This was the third time this week that Washington was late for their usual park meeting.

"You-" Aarushi drew a breath to start cursing him colorfully when he decided it time to play his advantage.

"I love you," He grinned, and Aarushi froze, a blush crept up to her cheeks.

"Am I forgiven now?" He blinked innocently, and a burst of laughter escaped from his girlfriend. He just seemed to have that effect on her, it was impossible to stay mad at him.

"Only today," Aarushi folded her arms and gazed off into the horizon.

"That's what you say every time," Washee chuckled, and she stuck her tongue out at him. A strand of her hair came loose, she blew it past but it wouldn't stop falling at her eyes. Washee brushed past the strand and tucked it behind her ear.

"I'll see you tomorrow, but this time I'll be early," Washington promised but Aarushi had a hard time believing it.


"Where are you off too?" Washington Sundar's father, M Sundar, called out.

"Just a job, Appa." Washington smiled, but he was actually going out to meet Aarushi.

"Oh? Tell Aarushi I said hi," Uncle muttered without looking from out from his newspaper.


"Appa?" Washee's eyes widened when he'd realized what his father had said.

"The press is flocking about, what do you think our relatives will say?" His mother appeared from behind the doorway, and she chided.

"Amma, I can explain-" Washee started but his father cut him off.

"I get it, it's the modern age. But she's from Karnataka, it just doesn't fit our morals." His father clicked disapprovingly at the word 'modern'.

"I'd suggest breaking it off," His sister whispered in a low voice, and he knew that she was trying to advise him on how to escape his father's wrath. His heart and brain were in a brutal war. He swallowed the lump in his throat, knowing that he had to pick one thing.

His family or his girlfriend.


Aarushi was hiding in her room, it was a vain effort to escape her mother's yelling. Her phone was ringing, and the contact name gave her a bit of hope.

♥ Washing Powder ♥

"Hello?" Her voice cracked when she picked up the phone call.

"Hey," Washee's voice responded, he too seemed mood off.

"Um... I don't know how to tell you this-" Washee started, but Aarushi cut him off.

"I know," She whispered, and Washington Sundar banged his head on the wall. Unable to bring himself to tell her. Finally, he drew the courage and spoke.

"We need to break up,"


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