Run! II Sean II

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Author's Note: Sorry for not updating yesterday!

***** Your POV *****

You stood there bored out of your mind as your father haggled with a man. 

"I feel as though 200 is way too much" Your father protested. 

"Well, 200 per man at arms seems plenty fair to me! I pay for the clothes and food. You just pay rent" The man snorted. 

"Well, I want to see these men at arms you say are so grand" Your father shot back. The pudgy little man beckoned you and your father. While walking the fat man tried to make conversation.

"So sir" He started. Your father looked at him suspiciously but tilted his head to the left curiously. You dutifully followed behind your father grumbling silently. Both of you boarded the fatso's carriage drawn by two Arabian mares.

"Your daughter, is she married?" The man finally spoke. Your father narrowed his eyes on the man. 

"No" Father replied coldly. "But I don't plan on wedding her just to anyone.".

"Oh? What would your demands be." The man asked casually. 

"He must be able to protect her one-handedly, of course, I would prefer if he had good looks. A man who wouldn't lead her into poverty as well." Your father narrated. You knew the words by heart your father repeated them to every person who asked for your hand in marriage. 

It's like he wants a king to be your husband! Your best friend liked to say a lot. You smiled at the thought. But your father meant well, you were considered gorgeous and his precious little girl to him. The fatso did not try to make any more conversation. You blew a strand of your hair out of your face. Clonmel was uneventful these days but that was not true a few years ago. Father was still paranoid about the Outsiders, it was not as if they would pop out of the trees. 

"Stay still and hand over your belongings" A gruff voice outside said. Immediately instincts kicked in, I looked around for something you could use as a weapon. You noticed a walking stick that the fastso needed to walk. You grabbed it and held it tight. Father noticed this and gave you a wild panicked look, mentally I sighed. The fastso looked at me confused. 

"What are you doing?" He hissed panic edging his voice. 

"Saving our butts" I replied.

"We are the outsiders!" The gruff voice shouted. As if that's meant to mean something, I thought rolling my eyes. He was close to me though, the moment he reaches the door I'll make him regret stopping us. "We follow the great dark god-" he said by the door now.  The door handle shook and I prepared myself. I saw the figure of the man peak through the small gap. Pushing the cloak that covered you and your clothing you revealed the fact that you were wearing hunting clothes. Father looked struck a good way or bad way you don't know. The man came into full view. You kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned in pain and with that, I punched him in the nose and whacked him hard with the walking stick. The stick broke and I cursed. You decided to try to use the two halves of a stick as daggers. Stepping out of the carriage counting the number of opponents you had. 19 in total. I can probably take 7ish out with these sticks, you think. But your train of thought is interrupted with 2 goons charging at you. 

Kicking one in the shin and throwing a piece of the walking stick at another. Two down, you thought. 

"Who knew his skull was thick enough to break apart a walking stick?" A voice behind you mused. Spinning on your heel you launch a punch to the person's gut. That blow would have knocked most people out. But your "attacker" was not in the category of most people. He dodged the blow and grabbed your wrist. You tried to fight against his grip but it was too strong. His hands were worn out like a swordsman. The man's face was handsome actually, he had a fresh and honest face but with eyes like steel. He had a mop of untidy brown hair that flopped over his forehead. 

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