II Nostalgia II ictworld06

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KL stirred his coffee, anxiety gnawing at his brain. He took a deep breath and attempted to dismiss his worries. He closed his eyes and chanted: 'She will say yes' over and over. His foot tapped impatiently, waiting for his girlfriend to arrive.

"Sorry I'm late," Sanya's voice interrupted him halfway through his chant, Rahul's eyes fluttered open. He saw his beautiful girlfriend who'd stood by his side for three years now. He thought that he was ready to settle down, and hoped that she was too.

"Sanya," A smile broke through Rahul's face, but Sanya sensed something was amiss.

"Alright, what's wrong?" She asked the moment she'd seated.

"I'll tell you about it over some coffee?" Rahul flashed her his usual smirk, and she suppressed a smile.

One spilled coffee had led the two of them to fall in love. A few curse words were involved too, but the two lovebirds had dismissed it.

"Alright," She relented, and KL placed a hand over hers. The barista was a person KL knew, he'd instructed her carefully on what to do. The barista arrived with a platter, on the platter were two cups of coffee. The Barista made a motion of tripping, and the coffee split all over Sanya's shirt.

"Shit..." She cursed under her breath and was hit with a sense of nostalgia.

"Sorry!" The barista apologized, trying to hide her smile. KL's smile though, was fully in view, for he'd not even attempted to hide it.

"Why are you smiling?" Sanya frowned at her boyfriend and Rahul shook his head.

"Just got a sense of deja vu." He continued to smile, and Sanya rolled her eyes.

"Wait in the car, I'll grab you a to-go coffee," KL instructed, Sanya was confused but followed his order. He placed an order for a to-go latte, Sanya's personal favorite. Pulling out the marker he kept in his pocket, he scribbled a quick message. A smile escaped through his features.

The note he'd written read: I love you, and turn around to face me.

He'd stayed up all night, trying to come up with a sweet message for her.

"I hope she says yes," The barista winked at him, and he smiled his thanks before rushing to his car. He checked his phone, hoping Hardik had tipped off the press. And on cue, there was a hoard around his car. Sanya had a tight smile on her face, there was the flashing of cameras, taking pictures.

"Say cheese!"

"A little to the left,"

Sanya had gotten used to being a 'famous' person quickly. I passed her, her to-go latte. She hadn't noticed the little message.

"Can we have a quick picture of the two of you?" A reporter called out, and I nodded. Sanya smiled and posed, her gaze flicked to her to-go coffee. She'd found the message. Instead of posing, I knelt down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" I smiled, and the press went into a frenzy. Sanya gasped, and let her coffee fall to the ground.

"I know, I only have one lifetime to spend with you... But the reason I'm upset today is simple, I realized that I only have ONE lifetime to spend with you. Will you be mine forever?" KL smirked, and Sanya nodded dumbfounded.



Ta Da~

I'm proud of it XD

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