II Remember? II Crowley

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**** Your POV ****

I stood there waiting impatiently for that good for nothing goof off to show up.

"Right on time." A man emerged from behind the trees.

"Late." I corrected him. He threw his cowl off, a mop of untidy flaming red hair came into view. I scoffed at his chosen attire.

"We're attending a gala. Not some hunting party." I mocked him. Crowley put his hands up in surrender.

"I'll change. Besides, we're infiltrating a gala." Crowley rolled his eyes and admonished me. I sighed at his childishness. I looked up from my own pity party (Which was about the partner I'd been assigned) and saw that the goof had disappeared.

"Where the heck are you, you blithering bastard?" I half-shouted.

"Right behind you." A voice spoke eerily calm. I turned around and flicked the dagger in the direction of the sound.

"Gorlog's beard woman! Are you trying to kill me?" Crowley demanded. I took a moment to ignore him and take in his new attire.

"You clean up nicely," I noted.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that you threw a dagger at me?" Crowley parroted his accusation.

"Yes." A cold yet familiar voice answered.

"Hello Halt." I greeted without bothering to turn around.

"How come I nearly get killed but Halt doesn't?" Crowley demanded.

"Maybe cause I don't annoy every single person I meet." Halt hissed under his breath.

"Children, why don't you let the girls talk?" Pauline sighed exasperatedly.

"Y/N," Pauline smiled a greeting.

"Pauline." I smiled happily.

At least there's one other person who has a brain.

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