II Stuck Together II Horace Modern AU

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**Horaces's POV ***

Faster! Faster! He chanted to himself as he bolted to toward the elevator. He's gonna miss the wards reunion! He cursed himself for the thousandth time for oversleeping. Dressed casually he had a white polo shirt and some ripped jeans. Ding! The elevator chimed and so did his phone. 

(A/N I tried to recreate a phone lol)


WTF? Where the heck r u?

Coming at the elevator. 

Srry 4 being late

Np man but hurry up. Evanlyn's new 'boyfriend' is getting grumpy

Horace shoved his phone into his pocket and picked up the pace. He saw a girl who looked about Horace's age running too. She wore a simple Y/F/C dress with a black belt and denim jacket. Her eyes had a sense of urgency to them. She had perfectly natural Y/H/C curls that bounced up and down as though they were excited. A leather handbag slung over her shoulders. She kept shifting on her low platform Y/F/C heels and kept checking her phone. For some reason, I felt like I knew her. But it didn't stop me from drawing an intake of breath on how beautiful she looks.

"Crap I'm so late" I heard her mutter. 

"Looks like I'm not the only late to the reunion" I muttered happily. What? Can you blame a guy for being happy that he's not the only one late in the most awkward situation?. Horace shoved his hands into his pockets and bounced on his feet. After what seemed like years the elevator opened. Both of them rushed inside before the door could even open properly.

"I'm assuming your here for the reunion too?" I finally spoke as the door closed. 

"Yep," She said popping the 'p'. "And late too might I add". I laughed. 

"I don't remember you too well," I asked her even though she seemed familiar. 

"Did we meet?" I asked again. She shook her head. 

"Me neither, I wouldn't know that your here for the reunion if you didn't tell me" She replied. 

A curtain of silence draped between us. 

"Horace," I said breaking the silence. She smiled ever so slightly but it lit up her features like a thousand suns. 

"Y/N" She replied to me. Then hit me why seemed so vaguely familiar... She is my oldest crush. But she'd always been in her 'circle' of friends and I had been in mine. My feelings had been suppressed after all these years but... they had been ripped open like a bandaid.

"No way!" She exclaimed. "My gods Horace you changed a lot". 

"I'll take that as a compliment" I replied grinning. She laughed.

"It is one" She agreed. 

"You were so skinny and your braces made your cheeks so adorable" She recalled. I cleared my throat eager to divert the subject from my rather embarrassing looks at the time. 

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