II Double Date II Young Crowley

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3rd Person POV:

Pritchard couldn't believe his two young former apprentices. Both of them looked like human tomato hybrids. Crowley was a shade of red that competed with his hair which was a very noticeable red. While Halt on the other hand looked like he had 3rd-degree sunburns. His two traveling companions rode in silence, finally, Pritchard could not take it anymore.  He and Berrigan had set up camp while the two of them went into the tavern for some information every since then their appearance changed drastically. Berrigan had begun to wonder if they were related to tomatoes.

"Alright What?" He asked slowing down Tillby ( you have no idea how long it took me to find his horse name). 

"What?" Crowley asked snapping up from thought. 

"That's what I'm asking what" Pritchard replied. 

"What do you mean what?" Halt asked.  Berrigan grinned at this exchange. Pritchard let out an exasperated sigh. 

"Crowley I'm beginning to think you added too much skin dye to your face for it's the shade of your hair and Halt you look like you have been out in the sun too long and rubbed tomato's on your face. So what I'm asking is do you mind explaining?" Pritchard said in a dangerously calm voice. Berrigan snorted at that. 

"Yes, we do mind explaining," Crowley said finally speaking. Halt shook his head in vigorous agreement. Berrigan grinned again at this. 

"It's a girl isn't it?" He asked the two boys. This caused them to turn even redder which Pritchard thought was physically impossible.

"No," Crowley said much too innocently. Halt took a sudden interest to count the number of blades of grass. 

"Either you tell me or we send the both of you back to that tavern" Pritchard snorted. 

"Fine..." Halt grumbled. 

*~ Flashback ~*

Halt and Crowley voted to discard their cloaks at the campsite. And much to Halt's dismay their longbows. They found a tavern named the Flying Parrot. Before Halt could comment on the name Crowley went inside. The tavern was lightly lit and filled with laughter. Crowley and Halt took a seat at the counter.  A girl wearing a Y/F/C dress walked up to both of them. She had bold Y/E/C eyes that seemed to dance in the light. She had a pretty round face with a slight shade of rose to her cheeks. Her Y/H/C hair was pulled back neatly into a bun for working. She made a slight coughing noise that made Crowley snap back to attention and stop staring at her. 

"How can I help you, gentlemen?" She asked her tone allowed a slight hint of amusement at the word gentlemen which they both deserved for staring at her. 

"Uhm... Erm.." Halt started. His friend chuckled. what was it with Halt and stammering around beautiful women? Crowley thought.

"Well if you could provide us your name that would be helpful," Crowley said smoothly. Halt glared at him. 

"A name I might say if you tell me yours" She replied with a slight smile on her elegant features. 

"Crowley" Crowley replied.

"Halt" Halt croaked out. 

"What?" The girl asked confused. "Why should I stop?" 

"That's his name" Crowley explained earning him another withering glare from Halt. 

"Y/N," The girl said walking off to another table.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady" Crowley complemented. Halt was jealous of Crowley's smooth skill to talk to people.  The girl returned balancing a pot of coffee on her left hand and a meal on the other. She walked with grace and poise.  She placed meal in front of Crowley and poured him a cup of coffee and walked back into the kitchen to get another. Halt and Crowley ate happily in silence. Y/N approached us. 

"So where are you off too?" Y/N Asked with a tilt of her head. 

"Perhaps on a date with you" Crowley replied cooly but inside he was swearing at himself for using such a cheesy pickup line.

"Perhaps" Y/N replied walking off into the kitchen. Halt looked at his friend who looked crestfallen. I couldn't help myself but grin. He glared at me. 

"So when are you going to send Pauline that letter?" Crowley asked casually. I turned red. 

"You know Pauline?" Y/N asked. 

"Well we are Rangers," Crowley said trailing off.

"Hm, maybe we can double the first date," Y/N said, she winked and walked away into the kitchen. Crowley turned a bright spot of red. 

"What is this I hear about double dating?" A woman asked behind us. Pauline. Once again someone stuffed a few dozen imaginary donuts into Halt's mouth and he could not talk.

"Well Halt here was going to call on you," Crowley said grinning ear to ear. Halt made a mental note to cut his hair with a saxe when he slept.

"And I believe you were going to call on my close friend Y/N Crowley?" Pauline asked amusement glittering in her eyes. Crowley on the other hand gave 50 shades of red a whole other meaning. 

"Well then I'll see you, boys, in a few days then," Pauline said sliding a folder across to them. She got up and pulled over her cloak and left.

"In that folder contains what you came for," Y/N told us casually as she picked up our plates.

"Oh? Does it say when we will be meeting up once more?" Crowley asked in an easy-going tone. Y/N laughed.

"I have a feeling we will be seeing each other very soon Crowley" Y/N said. The two (Halt and Crowley) Left rather embarrassed. Some way or another they had dates...

*~ End of Flashback ~*

Berrigan was grinning ear to ear. 

"Ah, so our young lad's here have a what do you modern folk call it..." Pritchard said trailing off. 

"Crush" Berrigan added helpfully. Pritchard glared at him.  Halt and Crowley began to bicker about where they should meet up. 

"I feel like Y/N and Pauline might like a down to earth picnic" Halt was saying.

"Well, I plan on being romantic so I'm setting up a dinner," Crowley said puffing up his chest with pride.

"Would the two of you shut up so we can ask that young lady over there what's she is doing blocking our path?" Pritchard half yelled. Pritchard was right, there stood a young girl on a temujai horse. Her eyes were twinkling.  Crowley drew a breath.

"Y/N?" He asked.

"No, I'm a baboon" She snorted. "Well you see my face so who else would it be? Of course, it's me" 

"But what are you-" Crowley asked concerned this time. 

"Well, how do you think I knew Pauline? From knitting class" She asked her voice dripping with Sarcasm. Pritchard and Berrigan grinned.

"Don't let this one go, Crowley, she's the right match for you," Pritchard told him, Berrigan nodded chuckling. 

"Well, maybe if you'd stop talking about me in 3rd person you could hear what I want?" Y/N suggested helpfully. 

"I'm here to let you know the Pauline and I are on the way to Gorlan, she and I have some.... Business to attend." She said before riding off. 

Author's Note: Do you guys want a Part 2? Like maybe their date? Anyone you want to request? Look forward to another chapter all though, The Stealer of his Heart. Hehe..

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